Six weeks passed. Rodolphe did not come again. At last one evening he appeared.

The day after the show he had said to himself —“We mustn’t go back too soon; —
演出的第二天他对自己说:“我们不应该回去得太快;那样会是个错误。” —

that would be a mistake.”

And at the end of a week he had gone off hunting. —
打猎之后,他觉得已经太晚了,然后他这样推理道:“如果她从一开始就爱上了我,那她由于迫不及待再次见到我而更加爱我。” —

After the hunting he had thought it was too late, and then he reasoned thus —

“If from the first day she loved me, she must from impatience to see me again love me more. —
当罗多夫走进房间的时候,他看到爱玛脸色苍白,他知道自己的计算是正确的。 —

Let’s go on with it!”

And he knew that his calculation had been right when, on entering the room, he saw Emma turn pale.

She was alone. The day was drawing in. The small muslin curtain along the windows deepened the twilight, and the gilding of the barometer, on which the rays of the sun fell, shone in the looking-glass between the meshes of the coral.

Rodolphe remained standing, and Emma hardly answered his first conventional phrases.

“I,” he said, “have been busy. I have been ill.”

“Seriously?” she cried.

“Well,” said Rodolphe, sitting down at her side on a footstool, “no; —
“好吧,”罗道夫坐到她身边的脚凳上说,“不; —

it was because I did not want to come back.”


“Can you not guess?”

He looked at her again, but so hard that she lowered her head, blushing. He went on —
他再次看着她,目光如此坚定,她不禁低下了头,脸红了起来。他继续说道 —


“Sir,” she said, drawing back a little.

“Ah! you see,” replied he in a melancholy voice, “that I was right not to come back; —
“啊!你看,”他以一种忧郁的声音回答道,“我没有回来是对的; —

for this name, this name that fills my whole soul, and that escaped me, you forbid me to use! —
因为这个名字,这个充满我整个灵魂的名字,逃离了我,你禁止我使用! —

Madame Bovary! why all the world calls you thus! —
玛德琳·波芙蕾!为什么全世界都这样叫你! —

Besides, it is not your name; it is the name of another!”

He repeated, “of another!” And he hid his face in his hands.

“Yes, I think of you constantly. The memory of you drives me to despair. Ah! forgive me! —
“是的,我不断地想着你。对你的记忆使我陷入绝望。啊!原谅我! —

I will leave you! Farewell! I will go far away, so far that you will never hear of me again; —
我会离开你!再见!我会远离这里,远到你永远听不到我的消息; —

and yet — to-day — I know not what force impelled me towards you. —
然而——今天——我不知道是什么力量驱使我靠近你。 —

For one does not struggle against Heaven; one cannot resist the smile of angels; —
因为一个人无法抗拒上天;一个人无法抵挡天使的微笑; —

one is carried away by that which is beautiful, charming, adorable.”

It was the first time that Emma had heard such words spoken to herself, and her pride, like one who reposes bathed in warmth, expanded softly and fully at this glowing language.

“But if I did not come,” he continued, “if I could not see you, at least I have gazed long on all that surrounds you. —
“但是如果我不来的话,”他接着说,“如果我不能见到你,至少我长时间地凝视着你周围的一切。” —

At night-every night-I arose; I came hither; —
在夜晚,每个夜晚,我起身了;我来到这里; —

I watched your house, its glimmering in the moon, the trees in the garden swaying before your window, and the little lamp, a gleam shining through the window-panes in the darkness. —
我看着你的房子,在月光下闪烁,花园里的树在你的窗前摇曳,还有那盏小灯,透过玻璃窗在黑暗中闪烁的光芒。 —

Ah! you never knew that there, so near you, so far from you, was a poor wretch!”

She turned towards him with a sob.

“Oh, you are good!” she said.

“No, I love you, that is all! You do not doubt that! Tell me — one word — only one word!”
“不,我爱你,仅此而已!你不怀疑这一点!告诉我 - 一句话 - 只要一句话!”

And Rodolphe imperceptibly glided from the footstool to the ground; —
罗德尔夫悄无声息地从脚凳上滑到了地上; —

but a sound of wooden shoes was heard in the kitchen, and he noticed the door of the room was not closed.

“How kind it would be of you,” he went on, rising, “if you would humour a whim of mine. —
“如果你愿意,那对你来说真是太好了,”他继续说,站起来。“我有个奇想,要去参观她的房子;我想了解一下。” —

” It was to go over her house; he wanted to know it; —

and Madame Bovary seeing no objection to this, they both rose, when Charles came in.

“Good morning, doctor,” Rodolphe said to him.

The doctor, flattered at this unexpected title, launched out into obsequious phrases. —
医生受宠若惊地听到这个意外的称呼,开始用阿谀奉承的措辞回应。 —

Of this the other took advantage to pull himself together a little.

“Madame was speaking to me,” he then said, “about her health.”

Charles interrupted him; he had indeed a thousand anxieties; —
夏尔打断了他;他实在有千头万绪的焦虑。 —

his wife’s palpitations of the heart were beginning again. —
他妻子的心悸又开始了。 —

Then Rodolphe asked if riding would not be good.

“Certainly! excellent! just the thing! There’s an idea! You ought to follow it up.”

And as she objected that she had no horse, Monsieur Rodolphe offered one. She refused his offer; —
玛黛姨反对说她没有马,莫斯蒂埃罗多尔夫提供了一匹马。她拒绝了他的提议; —

he did not insist. Then to explain his visit he said that his ploughman, the man of the blood-letting, still suffered from giddiness.

“I’ll call around,” said Bovary.

“No, no! I’ll send him to you; we’ll come; that will be more convenient for you.”

“Ah! very good! I thank you.”

And as soon as they were alone, “Why don’t you accept Monsieur Boulanger’s kind offer?”

She assumed a sulky air, invented a thousand excuses, and finally declared that perhaps it would look odd.

“Well, what the deuce do I care for that? —
“哎呀,我根本不关心那个!”查尔斯说着,转个圈子。“健康最重要!你错了。” —

” said Charles, making a pirouette. “Health before everything! You are wrong.”

“And how do you think I can ride when I haven’t got a habit?”

“You must order one,” he answered.

The riding-habit decided her.

When the habit was ready, Charles wrote to Monsieur Boulanger that his wife was at his command, and that they counted on his good-nature.

The next day at noon Rodolphe appeared at Charles’s door with two saddle-horses. —
其中一匹马的耳朵上有粉红色的花结,还有一副鹿皮边鞍。 —

One had pink rosettes at his ears and a deerskin side-saddle.

Rodolphe had put on high soft boots, saying to himself that no doubt she had never seen anything like them. —
事实上,艾玛看到他穿着他那件大绒面外衣和白斜纹军布马裤站在楼梯平台上时,很喜欢他的样子。 —

In fact, Emma was charmed with his appearance as he stood on the landing in his great velvet coat and white corduroy breeches. —
罗德尔夫带着两匹马出现在查尔斯的门口。 —

She was ready; she was waiting for him.

Justin escaped from the chemist’s to see her start, and the chemist also came out. —
贾斯汀逃离了药店去见她开始,而药剂师也出来了。 —

He was giving Monsieur Boulanger a little good advice.

“An accident happens so easily. Be careful! Your horses perhaps are mettlesome.”

She heard a noise above her; it was Felicite drumming on the windowpanes to amuse little Berthe. —
她听到楼上有噪音,是费利西特在窗玻璃上敲击,逗小贝尔特开心。 —

The child blew her a kiss; her mother answered with a wave of her whip.

“A pleasant ride!” cried Monsieur Homais. “Prudence! above all, prudence! —
“愉快的骑行!最重要的是要谨慎!”获得喊道。 —

” And he flourished his newspaper as he saw them disappear.

As soon as he felt the ground, Emma’s horse set off at a gallop.

Rodolphe galloped by her side. Now and then they exchanged a word. —
罗多尔夫在她身边疾驰而过。他们偶尔交换几句话。 —

Her figure slightly bent, her hand well up, and her right arm stretched out, she gave herself up to the cadence of the movement that rocked her in her saddle. —
她微微弯腰,右手高举,右臂伸展,她迎合着摇摆她的鞍座的节奏。 —

At the bottom of the hill Rodolphe gave his horse its head; —
下了山坡,罗多尔夫放开马。 —

they started together at a bound, then at the top suddenly the horses stopped, and her large blue veil fell about her.

It was early in October. There was fog over the land. —
时间是十月初,大地上弥漫着雾气。 —

Hazy clouds hovered on the horizon between the outlines of the hills; —
模糊的云朵在地平线间飘浮,挡住了山丘的轮廓。 —

others, rent asunder, floated up and disappeared. —
有些云绽裂开后漂浮起来又消失了。 —

Sometimes through a rift in the clouds, beneath a ray of sunshine, gleamed from afar the roots of Yonville, with the gardens at the water’s edge, the yards, the walls and the church steeple. —
有时,在云缝之间,在一道阳光下,远处的农村小镇约维尔的房屋根部闪亮着,水边的花园、庭院、墙壁和教堂尖塔透过远处的光线呈现出来。 —

Emma half closed her eyes to pick out her house, and never had this poor village where she lived appeared so small. —
艾玛微微闭上眼睛,试图找到自己的房子,这个她居住的贫穷的村庄从来没有显得如此小。 —

From the height on which they were the whole valley seemed an immense pale lake sending off its vapour into the air. —
从他们所处的高处,整个山谷看起来像一个浑浊的湖泊,将它的蒸汽释放到空中。 —

Clumps of trees here and there stood out like black rocks, and the tall lines of the poplars that rose above the mist were like a beach stirred by the wind.

By the side, on the turf between the pines, a brown light shimmered in the warm atmosphere. —
在旁边的松树草地上,一片褐色的光在温暖的大气中闪烁。 —

The earth, ruddy like the powder of tobacco, deadened the noise of their steps, and with the edge of their shoes the horses as they walked kicked the fallen fir cones in front of them.

Rodolphe and Emma thus went along the skirt of the wood. —
罗多尔夫和艾玛就这样沿着树林的边缘走着。 —

She turned away from time to time to avoid his look, and then she saw only the pine trunks in lines, whose monotonous succession made her a little giddy. —
她时不时转过头,以免正视他的目光,然后她只看到一排接一排的松树干,这单调的连续让她有些头晕。 —

The horses were panting; the leather of the saddles creaked.

Just as they were entering the forest the sun shone out.

“God protects us!” said Rodolphe.

“Do you think so?” she said.

“Forward! forward!” he continued.

He “tchk’d” with his tongue. The two beasts set off at a trot.

Long ferns by the roadside caught in Emma’s stirrup.

Rodolphe leant forward and removed them as they rode along. —
罗多尔夫向前靠近,并在马行进时帮她拨开。 —

At other times, to turn aside the branches, he passed close to her, and Emma felt his knee brushing against her leg. —
有时为了避开树枝,他靠得很近,艾玛感觉到他的膝盖刷过她的腿。 —

The sky was now blue, the leaves no longer stirred. —
天空变蓝了,树叶不再摇动。 —

There were spaces full of heather in flower, and plots of violets alternated with the confused patches of the trees that were grey, fawn, or golden coloured, according to the nature of their leaves. —
有一片满是开着石南花儿的空地,紫罗兰的地块与树木的杂乱区域交错排列,树木的叶子颜色根据自然而灰色、浅黄色或金色。 —

Often in the thicket was heard the fluttering of wings, or else the hoarse, soft cry of the ravens flying off amidst the oaks.

They dismounted. Rodolphe fastened up the horses. —
他们下马了。罗德尔夫拴好了马。 —

She walked on in front on the moss between the paths. —
她走在路径之间的苔藓上。 —

But her long habit got in her way, although she held it up by the skirt; —
但是,她的长裙挡住了她的路,尽管她用裙子撑起来; —

and Rodolphe, walking behind her, saw between the black cloth and the black shoe the fineness of her white stocking, that seemed to him as if it were a part of her nakedness.

She stopped. “I am tired,” she said.

“Come, try again,” he went on. “Courage!”

Then some hundred paces farther on she again stopped, and through her veil, that fell sideways from her man’s hat over her hips, her face appeared in a bluish transparency as if she were floating under azure waves.

“But where are we going?”

He did not answer. She was breathing irregularly. —
他没有回答。她的呼吸不规律。 —

Rodolphe looked round him biting his moustache. —
罗多夫环视四周,咬着胡子。 —

They came to a larger space where the coppice had been cut. —
他们来到了一个更大的空地,那里曾经有一片灌木林。 —

They sat down on the trunk of a fallen tree, and Rodolphe began speaking to her of his love. —
他们坐在一棵倒下的树干上,罗多夫开始向她倾诉他的爱意。 —

He did not begin by frightening her with compliments. —
他没有用恭维的话来吓唬她。 —

He was calm, serious, melancholy.

Emma listened to him with bowed head, and stirred the bits of wood on the ground with the tip of her foot. —
艾玛低着头听他讲话,用脚尖在地上搅动着木屑。 —

But at the words, “Are not our destinies now one?”

“Oh, no! she replied. “You know that well. It is impossible!” She rose to go. —
“哦,不!她回答道。“你很清楚。那是不可能的!”她站起身要走。 —

He seized her by the wrist. She stopped. —
他抓住她的手腕,她停住了。 —

Then, having gazed at him for a few moments with an amorous and humid look, she said hurriedly —

“Ah! do not speak of it again! Where are the horses? Let us go back.”

He made a gesture of anger and annoyance. She repeated:

“Where are the horses? Where are the horses?”

Then smiling a strange smile, his pupil fixed, his teeth set, he advanced with outstretched arms. —
而他微笑着露出奇怪的笑容,瞳孔定定地瞪着,牙齿咬得紧紧的,他伸出双臂向前走去。 —

She recoiled trembling. She stammered:

“Oh, you frighten me! You hurt me! Let me go!”

“If it must be,” he went on, his face changing; —
“如果一定要这样,”他接着说,脸色变了。 —

and he again became respectful, caressing, timid. —
他又恢复了尊敬、温柔和胆怯的样子。 —

She gave him her arm. They went back. He said —
她给了他胳膊,他们一起回去了。他说 —

“What was the matter with you? Why? I do not understand. You were mistaken, no doubt. —
“你怎么了?为什么?我不明白。你一定是搞错了。” —

In my soul you are as a Madonna on a pedestal, in a place lofty, secure, immaculate. —
“在我心里,你就像座宝座上的圣母玛利亚,高贵、安全和纯洁。 —

But I need you to live! I must have your eyes, your voice, your thought! —
但我需要你来活着!我需要你的眼睛、你的声音、你的思想! —

Be my friend, my sister, my angel!”

And he put out his arm round her waist. She feebly tried to disengage herself. —
他一只手搭在她腰上。她微弱地试图挣脱开来。 —

He supported her thus as they walked along.

But they heard the two horses browsing on the leaves.

“Oh! one moment!” said Rodolphe. “Do not let us go! Stay!”

He drew her farther on to a small pool where duckweeds made a greenness on the water. —
他把她拉到了一个小水池旁边,池中长满了密密麻麻的浮萍,水面呈现出一片绿意。 —

Faded water lilies lay motionless between the reeds. —
凋谢的睡莲静静地躺在芦苇间。 —

At the noise of their steps in the grass, frogs jumped away to hide themselves.

“I am wrong! I am wrong!” she said. “I am mad to listen to you!”

“Why? Emma! Emma!”

“Oh, Rodolphe!” said the young woman slowly, leaning on his shoulder.

The cloth of her habit caught against the velvet of his coat. —
她修道服上的布匹被卡在他外套上的天鹅绒上。 —

She threw back her white neck, swelling with a sigh, and faltering, in tears, with a long shudder and hiding her face, she gave herself up to him —
她扬起了雪白的脖颈,带着叹息膨胀着,无助地哭泣着,颤抖着藏起了脸,她向他投降了 —

The shades of night were falling; the horizontal sun passing between the branches dazzled the eyes. —
黄昏的阴影弥漫开来;太阳水平地穿过树枝,刺眼的。 —

Here and there around her, in the leaves or on the ground, trembled luminous patches, as it hummingbirds flying about had scattered their feathers. —
她周围的树叶或地面上闪烁着一些明亮的斑点,就像是蜂鸟飞过时散落的羽毛一样。 —

Silence was everywhere; something sweet seemed to come forth from the trees; —
寂静无声;甜美的东西似乎从树木中散发出来; —

she felt her heart, whose beating had begun again, and the blood coursing through her flesh like a stream of milk. —
她感受到自己的心跳重新开始,血液在身体中流动,如同一条奶流。 —

Then far away, beyond the wood, on the other hills, she heard a vague prolonged cry, a voice which lingered, and in silence she heard it mingling like music with the last pulsations of her throbbing nerves. —
然后远离这里,在另一座山丘上,她听到了模糊而持久的呼喊声,一种在寂静中流淌的声音,与她骚动的神经的最后脉搏和谐地交织在一起,就像音乐一样。 —

Rodolphe, a cigar between his lips, was mending with his penknife one of the two broken bridles.

They returned to Yonville by the same road. —
他们沿着同一条路返回了约维尔。 —

On the mud they saw again the traces of their horses side by side, the same thickets, the same stones to the grass; —
他们在泥地上又看到了马匹并排走过的痕迹,同样的丛林,同样长在草地上的石头; —

nothing around them seemed changed; and yet for her something had happened more stupendous than if the mountains had moved in their places. —
周围的一切似乎没有变化;然而对她来说,发生了一件比山脉移动更惊人的事情。 —

Rodolphe now and again bent forward and took her hand to kiss it.

She was charming on horseback — upright, with her slender waist, her knee bent on the mane of her horse, her face somewhat flushed by the fresh air in the red of the evening.

On entering Yonville she made her horse prance in the road. People looked at her from the windows.

At dinner her husband thought she looked well, but she pretended not to hear him when he inquired about her ride, and she remained sitting there with her elbow at the side of her plate between the two lighted candles.

“Emma!” he said.


“Well, I spent the afternoon at Monsieur Alexandre’s. —
“嗯,我整个下午都在亚历山大先生那里。 —

He has an old cob, still very fine, only a little brokenkneed, and that could be bought; —
他有一匹老马,虽然膝盖有点伤,但仍然很不错,可以买到; —

I am sure, for a hundred crowns.” He added, “And thinking it might please you, I have bespoken it — bought it. —
我确定只要一百枚金币就能买到它。他还补充说,“我想这可能会让你开心,所以我已经订购了它 - 已经买下了。 —

Have I done right? Do tell me?”

She nodded her head in assent; then a quarter of an hour later —

“Are you going out to-night?” she asked.

“Yes. Why?”

“Oh, nothing, nothing, my dear!”

And as soon as she had got rid of Charles she went and shut herself up in her room.

At first she felt stunned; she saw the trees, the paths, the ditches, Rodolphe, and she again felt the pressure of his arm, while the leaves rustled and the reeds whistled.

But when she saw herself in the glass she wondered at her face. —
但是当她看到镜子里的自己时,她对自己的脸感到惊讶。 —

Never had her eyes been so large, so black, of so profound a depth. —
从来没有她的眼睛如此大,如此黑,如此深邃。 —

Something subtle about her being transfigured her. She repeated, “I have a lover! a lover! —
她身上流露出一种微妙的东西。她重复着,“我有了一个情人!一个情人!”她兴奋地想,仿佛第二次青春降临到她身上。 —

” delighting at the idea as if a second puberty had come to her. —
“所以,最后她将要体验那些爱的喜悦,那种幸福的狂热,她曾经绝望过的。她即将进入奇迹的领域,那里的一切将是激情,狂喜,癫狂。 —

So at last she was to know those joys of love, that fever of happiness of which she had despairedl She was entering upon marvels where all would be passion, ecstasy, delirium. —
所以,她终于要知道爱的那些乐趣了,她曾经绝望过的那种幸福狂热。她即将进入奇迹的境地,在那里所有的一切都将是激情、欢娱、狂喜。 —

An azure infinity encompassed her, the heights of sentiment sparkled under her thought, and ordinary existence appeared only afar off, down below in the shade, through the interspaces of these heights.

Then she recalled the heroines of the books that she had read, and the lyric legion of these adulterous women began to sing in her memory with the voice of sisters that charmed her. —
然后她想起了她曾经读过的书中的女主角们,这些通奸的女人的史诗军团开始在她的记忆中用姐妹们的声音唱歌,让她陶醉其中。 —

She became herself, as it were, an actual part of these imaginings, and realised the love-dream of her youth as she saw herself in this type of amorous women whom she had so envied. —
她仿佛成为了这些想象中的场景的一部分,意识到了她年轻时梦寐以求的爱情梦想,看到了自己成为这种羡慕的女人的形象。 —

Besides, Emma felt a satisfaction of revenge. Had she not suffered enough? —
除此之外,艾玛还感到了一种复仇的满足。难道她没有遭受足够的苦吗? —

But now she triumphed, and the love so long pent up burst forth in full joyous bubblings. —
但现在她获得了胜利,长时间被封锁的爱情爆发出了完全欢乐的喧哗声。 —

She tasted it without remorse, without anxiety, without trouble.

The day following passed with a new sweetness. —
接下来的一天过得甜蜜无比。 —

They made vows to one another She told him of her sorrows. Rodolphe interrupted her with kisses; —
他们彼此发誓。她向他诉说了她的痛苦。罗多夫在吻中打断了她。 —

and she looking at him through half-closed eyes, asked him to call her again by her name — to say that he loved her They were in the forest, as yesterday, in the shed of some woodenshoe maker. —
她眯着双眼看着他,问他再次叫她的名字-说他爱她。他们正站在森林中,像昨天一样,在一位木鞋匠的小屋里。 —

The walls were of straw, and the roof so low they had to stoop. —
墙壁是草制的,屋顶很低,他们必须弯下腰。 —

They were seated side by side on a bed of dry leaves.

From that day forth they wrote to one another regularly every evening. —
从那天起,他们每天晚上都定期写信给对方。 —

Emma placed her letter at the end of the garden, by the river, in a fissure of the wall. —
艾玛将信放在花园尽头的河边,在一堵墙的裂缝中。 —

Rodolphe came to fetch it, and put another there, that she always found fault with as too short.

One morning, when Charles had gone out before day break, she was seized with the fancy to see Rodolphe at once. —
一天早晨,查尔斯天还没亮就出门了,她突然有个念头,立刻想见到罗多尔夫。 —

She would go quickly to La Huchette, stay there an hour, and be back again at Yonville while everyone was still asleep. —
她打算快速走到拉休特,待上一个小时,然后在每个人还在睡觉时回到永维尔。 —

This idea made her pant with desire, and she soon found herself in the middle of the field, walking with rapid steps, without looking behind her.

Day was just breaking. Emma from afar recognised her lover’s house. —
天刚要破晓。Emma从远处认出了她爱人的房子。 —

Its two dove-tailed weathercocks stood out black against the pale dawn.

Beyond the farmyard there was a detached building that she thought must be the chateau She entered — it was if the doors at her approach had opened wide of their own accord. —
农场院子后面有一座独立的建筑,她想那必定就是城堡。她走了进去,似乎大门在她靠近时自动开启。 —

A large straight staircase led up to the corridor. —
一条宽阔的直梯通向走廊。 —

Emma raised the latch of a door, and suddenly at the end of the room she saw a man sleeping. —
Emma推开一扇门,突然她在屋子的尽头看见一个正在睡觉的男人。 —

It was Rodolphe. She uttered a cry.

“You here? You here?” he repeated. “How did you manage to come? Ah! your dress is damp.”

“I love you,” she answered, throwing her arms about his neck.

This first piece of daring successful, now every time Charles went out early Emma dressed quickly and slipped on tiptoe down the steps that led to the waterside.

But when the plank for the cows was taken up, she had to go by the walls alongside of the river; —
但是当供奶牛的木板被拿走时,她只能顺着河岸边的墙壁走。 —

the bank was slippery; in order not to fall she caught hold of the tufts of faded wallflowers. —
岸边很滑,为了不摔倒,她抓住了凋谢的矮矮桃金娘。 —

Then she went across ploughed fields, in which she sank, stumbling; and clogging her thin shoes. —
然后她穿过耕过的田地,陷入其中,绊倒了,并且弄脏了她薄薄的鞋子。 —

Her scarf, knotted round her head, fluttered to the wind in the meadows. —
她把头巾系在头上,在草地上随风飘动。 —

She was afraid of the oxen; she began to run; —
她害怕那些牛,她开始跑起来。 —

she arrived out of breath, with rosy cheeks, and breathing out from her whole person a fresh perfume of sap, of verdure, of the open air. —
她上气不接下气地赶到了,脸颊绯红,全身散发着新鲜的树液、青翠和清新的空气的香气。 —

At this hour Rodolphe still slept. It was like a spring morning coming into his room.

The yellow curtains along the windows let a heavy, whitish light enter softly. —
窗户上的黄色窗帘柔和地透入一片浑浊的光。 —

Emma felt about, opening and closing her eyes, while the drops of dew hanging from her hair formed, as it were, a topaz aureole around her face. —
艾玛摸索着四处看,睁开和闭上眼睛,她头发上的露珠就像是围绕着她脸庞的一圈黄玉光环。 —

Rodolphe, laughing, drew her to him, and pressed her to his breast.

Then she examined the apartment, opened the drawers of the tables, combed her hair with his comb, and looked at herself in his shaving-glass. —
然后她查看了房间,打开了桌子的抽屉,用他的梳子梳理着她的头发,并在他的剃须镜子里看着自己。 —

Often she even put between her teeth the big pipe that lay on the table by the bed, amongst lemons and pieces of sugar near a bottle of water.

It took them a good quarter of an hour to say goodbye. Then Emma cried. —
他们花了好几刻钟才道别。然后艾玛哭了。 —

She would have wished never to leave Rodolphe. —
她多想永远不离开罗多夫。 —

Something stronger than herself forced her to him; —
有一种比她自己更强大的力量把她推向他; —

so much so, that one day, seeing her come unexpectedly, he frowned as one put out.

“What is the matter with you?” she said. “Are you ill? Tell me!”

At last he declared with a serious air that her visits were becoming imprudent — that she was compromising herself.