Cornelius remained standing on the spot where Rosa had left him.

  He was quite overpowered with the weight of his twofold happiness.

  Half an hour passed away. Already did the first rays of thesun enter through the iron grating of the prison, whenCornelius was suddenly startled at the noise of steps whichcame up the staircase, and of cries which approached nearerand nearer.

  Almost at the same instant he saw before him the pale anddistracted face of Rosa.

  He started, and turned pale with fright.

  ”Cornelius, Cornelius!” she screamed, gasping for breath.
“科尼利厄斯, 科尼利厄斯!”她气喘吁吁地尖叫。

  ”Good Heaven! what is it?” asked the prisoner.

“Cornelius! the tulip —- ““Well?”“How shall I tell you?”“Speak, speak, Rosa!” —
“科尼利厄斯!郁金香—-”“什么?”“我怎么告诉你?”“说吧,说吧,罗莎!” —

“Some one has taken – stolen it from us.” —
“有人拿走了 - 从我们这里偷走了它。” —

“Stolen – taken?” said Cornelius.

“Yes,” said Rosa, leaning against the door to supportherself; “yes, taken, stolen!” —
“是的,”罗莎倚在门上支撑着自己说;”是的,拿走了,偷走了!” —

And saying this, she felt her limbs failing her, and shefell on her knees.

“But how? Tell me, explain to me.”“Oh, it is not my fault, my friend.“Poor Rosa! —
“但是怎么会这样?告诉我,向我解释。”“哦,这不是我的错,我的朋友。”可怜的罗莎! —

she no longer dared to call him “My beloved one.” —
她再也不敢称他为“我心爱的人”了。 —

“You have then left it alone,” said Cornelius, ruefully.

“One minute only, to instruct our messenger, who livesscarcely fifty yards off, on the banks of the Waal.”“And during that time, notwithstanding all my injunctions,you left the key behind, unfortunate child!” —
“只有一分钟时间,来指示我们的信使,他住在瓦尔河岸边约五十码远处。” —

“No, no, no! this is what I cannot understand. The key wasnever out of my hands; —
“不,不,不!这是我无法理解的。钥匙从未离开过我的手;” —

I clinched it as if I were afraid itwould take wings.““But how did it happen, then?” —
“我攥着它,仿佛担心它会飞走。” —

“That’s what I cannot make out. I had given the letter to mymessenger; —
“但是事情怎么发生的呢?” —

he started before I left his house; I came home,and my door was locked, everything in my room was as I hadleft it, except the tulip, – that was gone. —
“我已经把信交给了我的信使;他在我离开他家之前就开走了;我回家时,我的门被锁上了,房间里所有东西都和我离开时一样,唯独郁金香不见了。” —

Some one musthave had a key for my room, or have got a false one made onpurpose.” —
“一定有人持有我房间的钥匙,或者特意复制了一把假钥匙。” —

She was nearly choking with sobs, and was unable tocontinue.

Cornelius, immovable and full of consternation, heard almostwithout understanding, and only muttered, –“Stolen, stolen, and I am lost!” —
“康奈利厄斯,坐立不安,充满惊愕,几乎是无法理解,只是喃喃自语,-‘被偷了,被偷了,我完了!’” —

“O Cornelius, forgive me, forgive me, it will kill me!” —
“哦康奈利厄斯,原谅我,原谅我,这会害死我的!” —

Seeing Rosa’s distress, Cornelius seized the iron bars ofthe grating, and furiously shaking them, called out, –“Rosa, Rosa, we have been robbed, it is true, but shall weallow ourselves to be dejected for all that? —
“看到罗莎的痛苦,康奈利厄斯抓住铁栅杆,愤怒地摇晃着,喊道,–‘罗莎,罗莎,我们被偷了,这是真的,但我们难道要因此灰心吗?” —

No, no; themisfortune is great, but it may perhaps be remedied. Rosa,we know the thief!““Alas! —
“不,不;不幸是巨大的,但也许可以弥补。罗莎,我们知道小偷是谁!’” —

what can I say about it?““But I say that it is no one else but that infamous Jacob.

Shall we allow him to carry to Haarlem the fruit of ourlabour, the fruit of our sleepless nights, the child of ourlove? —
“但我说这不是别人,只能是那个可耻的雅各布。” —

Rosa, we must pursue, we must overtake him!” —
“我们会让他带着我们的辛勤劳动的成果,我们彻夜不眠的成果,我们爱情的结晶把它带到哈勒姆吗?” —

“But how can we do all this, my friend, without letting myfather know we were in communication with each other? —
“罗莎,我们必须追赶,我们必须追上他!” —

Howshould I, a poor girl, with so little knowledge of the worldand its ways, be able to attain this end, which perhaps youcould not attain yourself?” —
我一个无知的穷女孩,如何能达到这个目标呢?也许你自己都做不到呢? —

“Rosa, Rosa, open this door to me, and you will see whetherI will not find the thief, – whether I will not make himconfess his crime and beg for mercy.” —
“罗莎,罗莎,给我开门,你会看到我会找到小偷,让他招认罪行,乞求宽恕。” —

“Alas!” cried Rosa, sobbing, “can I open the door for you?

have I the keys? If I had had them, would not you have beenfree long ago?” —
我有钥匙吗?如果我有的话,你早就可以自由了吧?” —

“Your father has them, – your wicked father, who hasalready crushed the first bulb of my tulip. Oh, the wretch!
“你的父亲拿着钥匙,– 你那个坏父亲,已经压坏了我郁金香的第一个球茎。哦,无耻的家伙!

he is an accomplice of Jacob!”“Don’t speak so loud, for Heaven’s sake!” —
他是雅各布的同谋!”“别这么大声说,天啊!” —

“Oh, Rosa, if you don’t open the door to me,” Corneliuscried in his rage, “I shall force these bars, and killeverything I find in the prison.” —
“哦,罗莎,如果你不给我开门,” 康奈利乌斯愤怒地喊道, “我将推倒这些铁栏,杀死囚牛棚里的一切。” —

“Be merciful, be merciful, my friend!”“I tell you, Rosa, that I shall demolish this prison, stonefor stone!” —
“要有怜悯,要有怜悯,我的朋友!”“我告诉你,罗莎,我要把这个牢房从里到外都拆毁!” —

and the unfortunate man, whose strength wasincreased tenfold by his rage, began to shake the door witha great noise, little heeding that the thunder of his voicewas re-echoing through the spiral staircase.

  Rosa, in her fright, made vain attempts to check thisfurious outbreak.

“I tell you that I shall kill that infamous Gryphus?” roaredCornelius. —
“我告诉你我要杀掉那个可耻的格里福斯?” 康奈利乌斯吼道。 —

“I tell you I shall shed his blood as he did thatof my black tulip.” —
“我告诉你,我会像他杀我黑郁金香一样流他的血。” —

The wretched prisoner began really to rave.

“Well, then, yes,” said Rosa, all in a tremble. “Yes, yes,only be quiet. —
“好吧,是的,”罗莎颤抖着说。 “是的,是的,只要安静下来。 —

Yes, yes, I will take his keys, I will openthe door for you! —
是的,是的,我会拿他的钥匙,为你开门! —

Yes, only be quiet, my own dearCornelius.” —
是的,只要安静下来,我亲爱的康奈利乌斯。” —

She did not finish her speech, as a growl by her sideinterrupted her.

  ”My father!” cried Rosa.
“我父亲!” 罗莎喊道。

“Gryphus!” roared Van Baerle. “Oh, you villain!” —
“格里菲斯!“范·巴尔勒怒吼道。”哦,你这个恶棍!” —

Old Gryphus, in the midst of all the noise, had ascended thestaircase without being heard.

  He rudely seized his daughter by the wrist.

“So you will take my keys?” he said, in a voice choked withrage. “Ah! —
“所以你要拿我的钥匙?“他怒气冲冲地说道。”啊! —

this dastardly fellow, this monster, thisgallows-bird of a conspirator, is your own dear Cornelius,is he? —
这个卑鄙的家伙,这个怪物,这个阴谋的绞刑台上的鸟儿,就是你心爱的科内利厄斯,是吗? —

Ah! Missy has communications with prisoners of state.

  Ah! won’t I teach you – won’t I?“Rosa clasped her hands in despair.

“Ah!” Gryphus continued, passing from the madness of angerto the cool irony of a man who has got the better of hisenemy, – “Ah, you innocent tulip-fancier, you gentlescholar; —
“啊!“格里菲斯继续,从愤怒的狂怒过渡到战胜敌人的冷嘲热讽的语气。”啊,你这个天真的郁金香爱好者,你这位温文尔雅的学者; —

you will kill me, and drink my blood! Very well!

very well! And you have my daughter for an accomplice. —
很好!而你的女儿竟是你的同谋。 —

Am I,forsooth, in a den of thieves, – in a cave of brigands?

Yes, but the Governor shall know all to-morrow, and hisHighness the Stadtholder the day after. —
是的,但总督明天就会知晓一切,继而是高级官员后天。 —

We know the law, –we shall give a second edition of the Buytenhof, MasterScholar, and a good one this time. —
我们知道法律,我们将再次上演比特霍夫事件,学者大人,这次将更成功。 —

Yes, yes, just gnaw yourpaws like a bear in his cage, and you, my fine little lady,devour your dear Cornelius with your eyes. —
是的,像囚笼中的熊那样啃噬你的爪子,而你,我漂亮的小姑娘,用眼睛吞噬你心爱的科内利厄斯。 —

I tell you, mylambkins, you shall not much longer have the felicity ofconspiring together. —
我告诉你们,我亲爱的小绵羊们,你们合谋的幸福还将持续多久。 —

Away with you, unnatural daughter! Andas to you, Master Scholar, we shall see each other again.

Just be quiet, – we shall.“Rosa, beyond herself with terror and despair, kissed herhands to her friend; —
安静,我们会的。”罗莎被恐惧和绝望折磨,向朋友飞吻; —

then, suddenly struck with a brightthought, she rushed toward the staircase, saying, –“All is not yet lost, Cornelius. —
然后突然想到了一个明亮的主意,她冲向楼梯,说道,“一切还没有完,科内利厄斯。 —

Rely on me, my Cornelius.“Her father followed her, growling.

As to poor Cornelius, he gradually loosened his hold of thebars, which his fingers still grasped convulsively. —
至于可怜的科内利厄斯,他渐渐地松开还紧握的栅栏,他的手指还在抽搐地握住。 —

His headwas heavy, his eyes almost started from their sockets, andhe fell heavily on the floor of his cell, muttering, –“Stolen! —
他头重如裹,眼珠几乎要瞪出眼眶,沉重地摔在牢房地板上,喃喃自语着,“被偷走了! —

it has been stolen from me!“During this time Boxtel had left the fortress by the doorwhich Rosa herself had opened. —
它被偷走了!”这段时间,博克斯特尔已经从堡垒出来,正是罗莎自己打开的门。 —

He carried the black tulipwrapped up in a cloak, and, throwing himself into a coach,which was waiting for him at Gorcum, he drove off, without,as may well be imagined, having informed his friend Gryphusof his sudden departure.

  And now, as we have seen him enter his coach, we shall withthe consent of the reader, follow him to the end of hisjourney.

  He proceeded but slowly, as the black tulip could not beartravelling post-haste.

But Boxtel, fearing that he might not arrive early enough,procured at Delft a box, lined all round with fresh moss, inwhich he packed the tulip. —
但是博克斯特尔为了不至于赶不及,他在德尔夫特买了一个四面都用新鲜苔藓衬里的盒子,把郁金香放进去。 —

The flower was so lightly pressedupon all sides, with a supply of air from above, that thecoach could now travel full speed without any possibility ofinjury to the tulip.

He arrived next morning at Haarlem, fatigued but triumphant; —
他第二天早上到达哈勒姆,疲惫但胜利; —

and, to do away with every trace of the theft, hetransplanted the tulip, and, breaking the originalflower-pot, threw the pieces into the canal. —
为了掩盖窃取的痕迹,他移植了郁金香,并打破了原来的花盆,把碎片扔进了运河。 —

After which hewrote the President of the Horticultural Society a letter,in which he announced to him that he had just arrived atHaarlem with a perfectly black tulip; —
然后他给园艺学会的会长写了一封信,信中宣布他刚刚带着一朵完全黑色的郁金香到达哈勒姆; —

and, with his flowerall safe, took up his quarters at a good hotel in the town,and there he waited.