Usually it is a cold day in July when you can stroll up Broadway in that month and get a story out of the drama. — 通常七月是一个寒冷的日子,当你在那个月去百老汇散步时,可以从戏剧中得到一个故事。 — I found one a few b...
“The dispositions of woman,” said Jeff Peters, after various opinions on the subject had been advanced, “run, regular, to diversions. — “女人的性情”,杰夫·彼得斯在大家提出各种观点之后说道,“通常都偏爱娱乐活动。” — ...
THE LURE OF THE MATERIAL–BEAUTY SPEAKS FOR ITSELF 物质的诱惑–美丽本身就在说话。 The true meaning of money yet remains to be popularly explained and comprehended. — 金钱的真正含义尚未被广泛解释和理解。 — W...