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  • Part 1 Economy Page 1(经济 页面 1)

    When I wrote the following pages, or rather the bulk of them, I lived alone, in the woods, a mile from any neighbor, in a house which I had built myself, on the shore of Walden Pon...
  • 99 简短的励志人生格言精选(5)

    51 2025-02-23 《人生感悟语录》
    93.现在不玩命,将来命玩你,现在不努力,未来不给力。 94.在穷的只剩下梦想的时候,你一定要比别人更加努力。 95.信心,毅力,勇气三者具备,则天下没有做不成的事。 96.关注我们的未来,因为那里将是我们度过余生的地方。 97.横跨在你和你的梦想之间的唯一的东西就是奋力拼搏。 98.假如我不能,我一定要;假如我一定要,我就一定能。 ...
  • Chapter 14 Secrets(秘密)

    Jo was very busy in the garret, for the October days began to grow chilly, and the afternoons were short. — 乔在阁楼里非常忙碌,因为十月的日子开始变得寒冷,下午时间也变得短暂。 — For two or three hours the sun l...
  • Chapter 95 The Things The Play(戏剧中的事物)

    Being acquainted with a newspaper reporter who had a couple of free passes, I got to see the performance a few nights ago at one of the popular vaudeville houses. 有个报纸记者熟人拿到了几张免费入场...
  • Chapter 89 Springtime a la Carte(春日菜单)

    It was a day in March. 那是三月的一天。 Never, never begin a story this way when you write one. No opening could possibly be worse. — 永远不要在写故事时以这种方式开头。没有比这更糟糕的开头了。 — It is unimagin...
  • 第70章 文学和出汗

    83 2025-02-14 《鲁迅全集》
      本篇最初发表于一九二八年一月十四日《语丝》周刊第四卷第五期。  上海的教授上海的教授:指梁实秋。他在一九二六年十月二十七、二十八日《晨报副刊》发表的《文学批评辩》一文中说:“物质的状态是变动的,人生的态度是歧异的;但人性的质素是普遍的,文学的品味是固定的。所以伟大的文学作品能禁得起时代和地域的试验。《依里亚德》在今天尚有人读,莎士比亚的戏剧,到现在还有人...
  • Chapter 11(英国工业社会变迁下的阶级与人性困境)

    Connie was sorting out one of the Wragby lumber rooms. There were several: — 康妮正在整理雷格比(Wragby)的一个杂物间。 — the house was a warren, and the family never sold anything. — 这所房子就像一个兔子洞...
  • Chapter 65 A Poor Rule(不太好的规则)

    I have always maintained, and asserted ime to time, that woman is no mystery; that man can foretell, construe, subdue, comprehend, and interpret her. — 我一直坚持并断言,女人并非什么神秘之谜;男人可以预测、解...
  • 51 关于女子

    关于女子 苏州!谁能想象第二个地名有同样清脆的声音,能唤起同样美丽的联想,除是南欧的威尼市或翡冷翠,那是远在异邦,要不然我们就得迫想到六朝时代的金陵广陵或许可以仿佛?当然不是杭州,虽则苏杭是常常联着说到的;杭州即使有几分美秀,不幸都教山水给占了去,更不幸就那一点儿也成了问题:你们不听说雷峰塔已经教什么国术大力士给打个粉碎,西湖的一汪水也教大什么会的电灯给照...
  • Chapter 10 The P.C. And P.O.(警察局和邮局)

    As spring came on, a new set of amusements became the fashion, and the lengthening days gave long afternoons for work and play of all sorts. — 随着春天的到来,一系列新的娱乐方式流行起来,白天变长,给了很长的下午来做各...