It was late in a drizzly afternoon that a traveler alighted at the door of a small country hotel, in the village of N—-, in Kentucky. — 在一个下着蒙蒙细雨的傍晚,一位旅行者抵达了肯塔基州N村一个小乡村旅馆的门口。 — ...
Mr. Knightley might quarrel with her, but Emma could not quarrel with herself. — 她看到骑士先生可能会与她争吵,但艾玛自己无法与自己争吵。 — He was so much displeased, that it was longer than usual before h...
“How much, methinks, I could despise this man Were I not bound in charity against it! — “我觉得,如果不是出于怜悯之心束缚,我会多么鄙视这个人啊! — –SHAKESPEARE: Henry VIII. –莎士比亚:《亨利八世》 One of the pr...
We arrived at the house in which I lived. — 我们到了我曾经住的房子。 — I would not ask him to come in with me, but walked up the stairs without a word. — 我没有请他跟我一起进去,只是默默地走上楼梯。 — He foll...
He said nothing. He took opium. The children said he had stained hisbeard yellow with it. Perhaps. — 他什么也没说。他吸食鸦片。孩子们说他因此把胡须染成了黄色。也许。 — What was obvious to her was that thepoor...
But what had happened? 但是发生了什么事? Some one had blundered. 有人犯了错。 Starting from her musing she gave meaning to words which she hadheld meaningless in her mind for a long str...
Though very happy in the social atmosphere about her, and very busy with the daily work that earned her bread and made it sweeter for the effort, Jo still found time for literary l...
New York, November 纽约,十一月 Dear Marmee and Beth, 亲爱的妈妈和贝丝, I’m going to write you a regular volume, for I’ve got heaps to tell, though I’m not a fine young lady traveling on t...
“They’ll take suggestion as a cat laps milk.” –SHAKESPEARE: Tempest. “他们将接受建议,就像猫舔牛奶一样。” –莎士比亚: 《暴风雨》。 The triumphant confidence of the Mayor founded on Mr. Featherstone’s insi...
ON our arrival in Denmark, we found the king and queen of that country elevated in two arm-chairs on a kitchen-table, holding a Court. The whole of the Danish nobility were in atte...