When the last good-by had been said and the last sound of wheels and hooves died away, Scarlett went into Ellen’s office and removed a gleaming object from where she had hidden it ...
She did have fun, more fun than she had had since the spring before the war. — 她玩得非常开心,比起战前的那个春天更开心。 — New Orleans was such a strange, glamorous place and Scarlett enjoyed it wi...
Mrs. Elsing cocked her ear toward the hall. — 埃尔辛女士将耳朵朝着走廊侧过去。 — Hearing Melanie’s steps die away into the kitchen where rattling dishes and clinking silverware gave promise of ...
I 我 It was eight o’clock in the morning—the time when the officers, the local officials, and the visitors usually took their morning dip in the sea after the hot, stifling nigh...
THE little town of B——, consisting of two or three crooked streets, was sound asleep. — B市是一个只有两三条弯曲街道的小镇,此刻安静得像是进入了沉睡。 — There was a complete stillness in the motionless air. —...
IT WAS a dark autumn night. The old banker was walking up and down his study and remembering how, fifteen years before, he had given a party one autumn evening. —-秋天的夜晚,漆黑一片。老银行家在书...
A SALE of flowers was taking place in Count N.‘s greenhouses. — 在N伯爵的温室里举行了一次花卉的拍卖会。 — The purchasers were few in number—a landowner who was a neighbor of mine, a young timber-...
T HERE is in Russia an emeritus Professor Nikolay Stepanovitch, a chevalier and privy councillor; — 有一个俄罗斯的荣誉教授尼古拉·斯捷潘诺维奇,是一名骑士和内阁参议员; — he has so many Russian and foreign deco...
I 我 THE Superintendent said to me: “I only keep you out of regard for your worthy father; — 我的上司对我说:“我只是考虑到你尊敬的父亲才留着你; — but for that you would have been sent flying long ago...
THE dog was barking excitedly outside. And Ananyev the engineer, his assistant called Von Schtenberg, and I went out of the hut to see at whom it was barking. — 外面有只狗兴奋地吠叫着。工程师Ana...