[Stage] Trumpets sound. Claudius and Gertrude enter, with Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, and attendants. [舞台]号角响起。克劳狄斯,格特鲁德,罗森克朗兹,吉尔登斯登和随从们进场。 Claudius(克劳狄斯) Welcome, dear Rosencr...
‘Christmas won’t be Christmas without any presents,’ grumbled Jo, lying on the rug. “没有任何礼物的圣诞节就不是圣诞节,”乔躺在地毯上抱怨道。 ‘It’s so dreadful to be poor!’ sighed Meg, looking down at her ...
Covent Garden at 11.15 p.m. Torrents of heavy summer rain. — 晚上11点15分的考文垂。夏季暴雨倾盆而下。 — Cab whistles blowing frantically in all directions. — 出租车哨声在四面八方疯狂地吹响。 — Pedestrians run...
YOU, COCHRANE, WHAT CITY SENT FOR HIM? 你,科克兰,是哪个城市派他前来的? – Tarentum, sir. – 塔兰图姆,先生。 – Very good. Well? – 很好。继续。 – There was a battle, sir. – 发生了一场战斗,先生。 – Very goo...
[Stage] Enter Katherine and Bianca, her hands bound 凯瑟琳拉着被捆绑双手的比安卡走进来。 Bianca(比安卡) Good sister, wrong me not nor wrong yourself, To make a bondmaid and a slave of me. That I d...
[Stage] Enter Lucentio disguised as Cambio, Hortensio disguised as Litio, and Bianca 鲁森修(化名为坎比奥),霍滕西奥(化名为利提奥)和比安卡进入。 Lucentio(鲁森修) [as Cambio] Fiddler, forbear. You grow to...