
Wilhelm, the man about whom I wrote to you – that man so enviable in his misfortunes – was secretary to Charlotte’s father;
威廉,这个我告诉你的人,这个在他的不幸中如此令人羡慕的人,曾是夏洛特的父亲的秘书; —

and an unhappy passion for her which he cherished, concealed, and at length discovered, caused him to be dismissed from his situation.
他对她怀有一份不幸的爱慕,他一直隐藏着,最后被揭露,导致他被解雇。 —

This made him mad. Think, whilst you peruse this plain narration, what an impression the circumstance has made upon me!
这让他发疯了。当你仔细阅读这个简单的叙述时,请想想这个情况给我留下了多深刻的印象! —

But it was related to me by Albert with as much calmness as you will probably peruse it.


I implore your attention. It is all over with me.
我懇求你的关注。 —

I can support this state no longer.
我已经无法再忍受这种境况。 —

To-day I was sitting by Charlotte.
今天我坐在夏洛特旁边。 —

She was playing upon her piano a succession of delightful melodies, with such intense expression!
她在钢琴上弹奏着一连串美妙的旋律,表达得如此深情! —

Her little sister was dressing her doll upon my lap.
她妹妹在我的膝上给她的洋娃娃穿衣服。 —

The tears came into my eyes. I leaned down, and looked intently at her wedding-ring:
我的眼睛湿润了。我低下头,凝视着她的结婚戒指: —

my tears fell – immediately she began to play that favourite, that divine, air which has so often enchanted me.
我的眼泪落下来 - 她立马开始弹奏那首最喜欢、最神圣的曲子,那首曾经多次令我陶醉的曲子。 —

I felt comfort from a recollection of the past, of those bygone days when that air was familiar to me;
我感到了从过去的回忆中所带来的安慰,那些过去的日子,那片熟悉的空气在我身边; —

and then I recalled all the sorrows and the disappointments which I had since endured.
然后我回想起自己所经历的所有悲伤和失望; —

I paced with hasty strides through the room, my heart became convulsed with painful emotions.
我匆忙地在房间里来回踱步,我的心被痛苦的情感所折磨着; —

At length I went up to her, and exclaimed With eagerness, “For Heaven’s sake, play that air no longer!” She stopped, and looked steadfastly at me.
最后,我走到她身边,急切地说道:“求上天的缘故,不要再演奏那首曲子了!”她停下来,凝视着我; —

She then said, with a smile which sunk deep into my heart, “Werther, you are ill: your dearest food is distasteful to you.
她随后微笑着对我说:“维特,你生病了:你最喜爱的食物对你来说已经不再可口。”我努力地自我解脱; —

But go, I entreat you, and endeavour to compose yourself.” I tore myself away.
上帝啊,你看见我的痛苦,愿意结束它们吧! —

God, thou seest my torments, and wilt end them!


How her image haunts me! Waking or asleep, she fills my entire soul!
刚一闭上眼睛,这里,在我的脑海中,所有视觉神经都集中的地方,她的深邃眼眸就印在了我脑海里; —

Soon as I close my eyes, here, in my brain, where all the nerves of vision are concentrated, her dark eyes are imprinted.
请你,我恳求你,努力安抚自己。”我挣脱开了。 —

Here – I do not know how to describe it; but, if I shut my eyes, hers are immediately before me:
在这里 - 我不知道如何描述它;但是,如果我闭上眼睛,她的眼睛立刻就在我的眼前: —

dark as an abyss they open upon me, and absorb my senses.

And what is man – that boasted demigod?
那么人类又是什么呢 - 这个自夸的半神? —

Do not his powers fail when he most requires their use?
难道他的能力不是在最需要时失效吗? —

And whether he soar in joy, or sink in sorrow, is not his career in both inevitably arrested?
无论他是飞向快乐,还是沉入悲伤,他的人生在两者中都将无可避免地停滞不前吗? —

And, whilst he fondly dreams that he is grasping at infinity, does he not feel compelled to return to a consciousness of his cold, monotonous existence?