ALL things great are wound up with all things little. —
所有伟大的事物都与一切细微之物息息相关。 —

At first glance it might not seem that the decision of a certain Canadian Premier to include Prince Edward Island in a political tour could have much or anything to do with the fortunes of little Anne Shirley at Green Gables. But it had.

It was a January the Premier came, to address his loyal supporters and such of his nonsupporters as chose to be present at the monster mass meeting held in Charlottetown. —
这位总理是在一月份来到这里,向他忠实的支持者以及选择在夏洛特敦的大规模集会上出席的一些非支持者演讲。 —

Most of the Avonlea people were on Premier’s side of politics; —
多数阿夫奴里的居民站在总理的政治立场一边; —

hence on the night of the meeting nearly all the men and a goodly proportion of the women had gone to town thirty miles away. —
因此,在开会那天晚上,几乎所有的男人和相当一部分妇女都前往了三十英里外的市镇。 —

Mrs. Rachel Lynde had gone too. Mrs. Rachel Lynde was a red-hot politician and couldn’t have believed that the political rally could be carried through without her, although she was on the opposite side of politics. —
瑞秋·琳德太太也去了,她是个火热的政治人物,她认为政治集会没有她参加是不可想像的,尽管她与总理立场相反。 —

So she went to town and took her husband—Thomas would be useful in looking after the horse—and Marilla Cuthbert with her. —
所以她和丈夫一同走了。托马斯会帮忙照看马匹,玛丽拉·卡思伯特也一同去了。 —

Marilla had a sneaking interest in politics herself, and as she thought it might be her only chance to see a real live Premier, she promptly took it, leaving Anne and Matthew to keep house until her return the following day.

Hence, while Marilla and Mrs. Rachel were enjoying themselves hugely at the mass meeting, Anne and Matthew had the cheerful kitchen at Green Gables all to themselves. —
所以,在玛丽拉和瑞秋尽兴参加大型集会的时候,安妮和马修在绿谷的厨房里欢快地相互照料。 —

A bright fire was glowing in the old-fashioned Waterloo stove and blue-white frost crystals were shining on the windowpanes. —
一团明亮的火在老式的滑铁卢火炉中熊熊燃烧,蓝白色的霜晶闪耀在窗玻璃上。 —

Matthew nodded over a Farmers’ Advocate on the sofa and Anne at the table studied her lessons with grim determination, despite sundry wistful glances at the clock shelf, where lay a new book that Jane Andrews had lent her that day. —
马修躺在沙发上看着《农民倡议报》,安妮则在桌前充满决心地学习功课,尽管不时对放在钟架上的一本简·安德伦斯借给她的新书产生渴望的目光。 —

Jane had assured her that it was warranted to produce any number of thrills, or words to that effect, and Anne’s fingers tingled to reach out for it. —
简曾向她保证这本书确保会带来无数刺激,或者说类似的话,安妮的手指颤动着想要够到那本书。 —

But that would mean Gilbert Blythe’s triumph on the morrow. —
但那意味着吉尔伯特·布莱思将在明天取得胜利。 —

Anne turned her back on the clock shelf and tried to imagine it wasn’t there.

“Matthew, did you ever study geometry when you went to school?”

“Well now, no, I didn’t,” said Matthew, coming out of his doze with a start.

“I wish you had,” sighed Anne, “because then you’d be able to sympathize with me. —
“我希望你有,”安妮叹了口气,“因为那样你就能同情我了。 —

You can’t sympathize properly if you’ve never studied it. —
如果你从未学习过,就无法正确同情。 —

It is casting a cloud over my whole life. —
这阴影笼罩着我的整个生活。 —

I’m such a dunce at it, Matthew.”

“Well now, I dunno,” said Matthew soothingly. “I guess you’re all right at anything. —
“嗯,我不知道,”马修安慰地说。“我想你在任何事情上都还可以。 —

Mr. Phillips told me last week in Blair’s store at Carmody that you was the smartest scholar in school and was making rapid progress. —
上周在卡默迪的布莱尔商店,菲利普斯先生告诉我你是学校里最聪明的学生,正在取得快速进步。 —

‘Rapid progress’ was his very words. —
“快速进步”就是他的原话。 —

There’s them as runs down Teddy Phillips and says he ain’t much of a teacher, but I guess he’s all right.”

Matthew would have thought anyone who praised Anne was “all right.”

“I’m sure I’d get on better with geometry if only he wouldn’t change the letters,” complained Anne. “I learn the proposition off by heart and then he draws it on the blackboard and puts different letters from what are in the book and I get all mixed up. —
“如果他不改变字母,我肯定在几何学上会进步更快,”安妮抱怨道。“我把命题背熟了,然后他在黑板上画出来,用的字母和书上的不一样,我就全搞混了。 —

I don’t think a teacher should take such a mean advantage, do you? —
我不认为老师应该这样小人,你觉得呢? —

We’re studying agriculture now and I’ve found out at last what makes the roads red. —
我们现在正在学习农业,我终于弄清楚是什么让路变成了红色。 —

It’s a great comfort. I wonder how Marilla and Mrs. Lynde are enjoying themselves. —
这让我很欣慰。我想玛丽拉和林德夫人他们在享受什么。 —

Mrs. Lynde says Canada is going to the dogs the way things are being run at Ottawa and that it’s an awful warning to the electors. —
林德夫人说,加拿大政府的管理方式将导致加拿大走向衰败,这是对选民的一种可怕警示。” —

She says if women were allowed to vote we would soon see a blessed change. —
她说如果妇女被允许投票,我们很快就会看到一个神圣的变化。 —

What way do you vote, Matthew?”

“Conservative,” said Matthew promptly. To vote Conservative was part of Matthew’s religion.

“Then I’m Conservative too,” said Anne decidedly. —
“那我也是保守党,”安妮断然地说。 —

“I’m glad because Gil—because some of the boys in school are Grits. I guess Mr. Phillips is a Grit too because Prissy Andrews’s father is one, and Ruby Gillis says that when a man is courting he always has to agree with the girl’s mother in religion and her father in politics. —
“我很高兴,因为吉尔——因为学校里的男生中有些是怀特党。我想菲利普斯先生也是怀特党,因为普瑞西·安德鲁斯的父亲是,露比·吉利斯说,当一个男人在求爱时,他总是要在宗教上赞同女生的母亲,在政治上赞同父亲。 —

Is that true, Matthew?”

“Well now, I dunno,” said Matthew.

“Did you ever go courting, Matthew?”

“Well now, no, I dunno’s I ever did,” said Matthew, who had certainly never thought of such a thing in his whole existence.

Anne reflected with her chin in her hands.

“It must be rather interesting, don’t you think, Matthew? —
“马修,你认为那一定很有趣,不是吗? —

Ruby Gillis says when she grows up she’s going to have ever so many beaus on the string and have them all crazy about her; —
露比·吉利斯说,等她长大了,她会有许多追求者,所有人都会为她疯狂; —

but I think that would be too exciting. I’d rather have just one in his right mind. —
但我觉得那太刺激了。我宁愿只有一个正常的。 —

But Ruby Gillis knows a great deal about such matters because she has so many big sisters, and Mrs. Lynde says the Gillis girls have gone off like hot cakes. —
不过,露比·吉利斯懂得很多这方面的事情,因为她有这么多姐姐,林德夫人说吉利斯姐妹们都热门得像热饼。 —

Mr. Phillips goes up to see Prissy Andrews nearly every evening. —
菲利普斯先生几乎每晚都去看普瑞西·安德鲁斯。 —

He says it is to help her with her lessons but Miranda Sloane is studying for Queen’s too, and I should think she needed help a lot more than Prissy because she’s ever so much stupider, but he never goes to help her in the evenings at all. —
他说他帮Prissy学习,但Miranda Sloane也在为女王的学位而努力,我觉得她比Prissy更需要帮助,因为她更笨,但他晚上从来不去帮她。 —

There are a great many things in this world that I can’t understand very well, Matthew.”

“Well now, I dunno as I comprehend them all myself,” acknowledged Matthew.

“Well, I suppose I must finish up my lessons. —
“我想我必须完成我的功课了。 —

I won’t allow myself to open that new book Jane lent me until I’m through. —
在我完成之前,我不会允许自己打开简借给我的那本新书。 —

But it’s a terrible temptation, Matthew. —
但那真是个巨大的诱惑,马修。 —

Even when I turn my back on it I can see it there just as plain. —
即使我背过身去,我也能明显地看见它在那里。 —

Jane said she cried herself sick over it. I love a book that makes me cry. —
简说她为它哭得生病了。我喜欢一本让我哭的书。 —

But I think I’ll carry that book into the sitting room and lock it in the jam closet and give you the key. —
但我想我会把那本书拿到客厅,锁进果酱橱,然后给你钥匙。 —

And you must not give it to me, Matthew, until my lessons are done, not even if I implore you on my bended knees. —
无论我多么苦苦哀求,甚至跪地求你,你都不要把它给我,直到我功课做完,就算我怎么求你也不要。 —

It’s all very well to say resist temptation, but it’s ever so much easier to resist it if you can’t get the key. —
说抵制诱惑容易,但如果你拿不到钥匙就更容易抵制。 —

And then shall I run down the cellar and get some russets, Matthew? —
然后我该跑到地窖去拿一些苹果吗,马修? —

Wouldn’t you like some russets?”

“Well now, I dunno but what I would,” said Matthew, who never ate russets but knew Anne’s weakness for them.

Just as Anne emerged triumphantly from the cellar with her plateful of russets came the sound of flying footsteps on the icy board walk outside and the next moment the kitchen door was flung open and in rushed Diana Barry, white faced and breathless, with a shawl wrapped hastily around her head. —
正当安妮战绩辉煌地从地窖里拿着满满一盘苹果出来时,外面冰冷的木板路上传来飞快的脚步声,下一刻,厨房门被猛然推开,戴安娜·巴里气喘吁吁地闯了进来,脸色苍白,头巾匆忙裹在头上。 —

Anne promptly let go of her candle and plate in her surprise, and plate, candle, and apples crashed together down the cellar ladder and were found at the bottom embedded in melted grease, the next day, by Marilla, who gathered them up and thanked mercy the house hadn’t been set on fire.

“Whatever is the matter, Diana?” cried Anne. “Has your mother relented at last?”

“Oh, Anne, do come quick,” implored Diana nervously. —
“哦,安妮,快过来,”戴安娜紧张地恳求道。 —

“Minnie May is awful sick—she’s got croup. —
“敏妮梅病得很严重——她患了哮喘。” —

Young Mary Joe says—and Father and Mother are away to town and there’s nobody to go for the doctor. —
“玛丽乔小姐说——父亲和母亲都去镇上了,没有人能去找医生。 —

Minnie May is awful bad and Young Mary Joe doesn’t know what to do—and oh, Anne, I’m so scared!”

Matthew, without a word, reached out for cap and coat, slipped past Diana and away into the darkness of the yard.

“He’s gone to harness the sorrel mare to go to Carmody for the doctor,” said Anne, who was hurrying on hood and jacket. —
“他去套上栗色母马准备去卡莫迪请医生,”安妮匆忙地套上头巾和外套。 —

“I know it as well as if he’d said so. —
“我知道他要去卡莫迪找医生,”安妮说,“我不需要他亲口说。 —

Matthew and I are such kindred spirits I can read his thoughts without words at all.”

“I don’t believe he’ll find the doctor at Carmody,” sobbed Diana. “I know that Dr. Blair went to town and I guess Dr. Spencer would go too. —
“我不相信他能找到卡莫迪的医生,”戴安娜抽泣道。“我知道布莱尔医生去镇上了,我猜史宾塞医生也走了。 —

Young Mary Joe never saw anybody with croup and Mrs. Lynde is away. Oh, Anne!”

“Don’t cry, Di,” said Anne cheerily. “I know exactly what to do for croup. —
“别哭,戴,”安妮欢快地说。“我知道怎么对付哮喘。 —

You forget that Mrs. Hammond had twins three times. —
你忘了哈蒙德夫人生了三次双胞胎。 —

When you look after three pairs of twins you naturally get a lot of experience. —
当你照顾三对双胞胎时,自然会积累很多经验。” —

They all had croup regularly. Just wait till I get the ipecac bottle—you mayn’t have any at your house. Come on now.”

The two little girls hastened out hand in hand and hurried through Lover’s Lane and across the crusted field beyond, for the snow was too deep to go by the shorter wood way. —
两个小女孩手牵手匆忙走出来,穿过恋人巷,穿过结了冰的田野,因为雪太深了,无法经过更短的树林路。 —

Anne, although sincerely sorry for Minnie May, was far from being insensible to the romance of the situation and to the sweetness of once more sharing that romance with a kindred spirit.

The night was clear and frosty, all ebony of shadow and silver of snowy slope; —
夜晚晴朗而寒冷,黑影和白银的雪坡相映成趣; —

big stars were shining over the silent fields; —
大星星照耀着寂静的田野; —

here and there the dark pointed firs stood up with snow powdering their branches and the wind whistling through them. —
一些深色尖松树孤立在那里,枝条上洒满了雪粉,风在它们间呼啸。 —

Anne thought it was truly delightful to go skimming through all this mystery and loveliness with your bosom friend who had been so long estranged.

Minnie May, aged three, was really very sick. —
三岁的米妮梅真的病得很厉害。 —

She lay on the kitchen sofa feverish and restless, while her hoarse breathing could be heard all over the house. —
她躺在厨房沙发上,发烧而不安,她哽咽的呼吸声传遍了整个屋子。 —

Young Mary Joe, a buxom, broad-faced French girl from the creek, whom Mrs. Barry had engaged to stay with the children during her absence, was helpless and bewildered, quite incapable of thinking what to do, or doing it if she thought of it.

Anne went to work with skill and promptness.

“Minnie May has croup all right; she’s pretty bad, but I’ve seen them worse. —
“米妮梅确实患上了哮喘;她病得很重,但我见过病得更厉害的。 —

First we must have lots of hot water. I declare, Diana, there isn’t more than a cupful in the kettle! —
首先我们需要大量开水。我发誓,黛安娜,水壶里只剩下一杯了! —

There, I’ve filled it up, and, Mary Joe, you may put some wood in the stove. —
好了,我已经加满了,玛丽·乔,你可以在火炉里放点柴了。 —

I don’t want to hurt your feelings but it seems to me you might have thought of this before if you’d any imagination. —
我不想伤害你的感情,但在我看来,如果你有点想象力,早该想到这一点了。 —

Now, I’ll undress Minnie May and put her to bed and you try to find some soft flannel cloths, Diana. I’m going to give her a dose of ipecac first of all.”
现在,我要脱下Minnie May的衣服,然后让她上床睡觉,你去找一些柔软的法兰绒布料,Diana。首先,我会给她一剂吐根。

Minnie May did not take kindly to the ipecac but Anne had not brought up three pairs of twins for nothing. —
Minnie May不喜欢吐根,但安妮不是白养了三对双胞胎。 —

Down that ipecac went, not only once, but many times during the long, anxious night when the two little girls worked patiently over the suffering Minnie May, and Young Mary Joe, honestly anxious to do all she could, kept up a roaring fire and heated more water than would have been needed for a hospital of croupy babies.
小女孩们在漫长而焦急的夜晚里辛勤地照料着受苦的Minnie May,不止一次灌下那剂吐根,而年轻的玛丽乔诚心诚意地尽力,不停地烧火、加热着比同样数量的扁桃体患儿还要多的开水。

It was three o’clock when Matthew came with a doctor, for he had been obliged to go all the way to Spencervale for one. —
当马修带着医生来时已是三点钟,因为他不得不一路去斯潘瑟维尔找医生。 —

But the pressing need for assistance was past. —
但紧急需要帮助的时刻已经过去。 —

Minnie May was much better and was sleeping soundly.
Minnie May好多了,睡得很沉。

“I was awfully near giving up in despair,” explained Anne. “She got worse and worse until she was sicker than ever the Hammond twins were, even the last pair. —
“我几乎绝望了,”安妮解释说。“她一直变得更糟,比汉蒙德双胞胎的任何一个都要糟,甚至是最后一对。 —

I actually thought she was going to choke to death. —
我实际上以为她要被活活梗死。 —

I gave her every drop of ipecac in that bottle and when the last dose went down I said to myself—not to Diana or Young Mary Joe, because I didn’t want to worry them any more than they were worried, but I had to say it to myself just to relieve my feelings—‘This is the last lingering hope and I fear, tis a vain one. —
我给她瓶子里所有的吐根,当最后一剂下去的时候,我对自己说——而不是对黛安娜或年轻的玛丽乔,因为我不想让她们比已经担心的更担心,但我不得不对自己说来宽慰自己——‘这是最后的希望,我害怕是徒劳的。 —

’ But in about three minutes she coughed up the phlegm and began to get better right away. —
’ 但大约三分钟后,她咳出了痰,然后立即开始好转。 —

You must just imagine my relief, doctor, because I can’t express it in words. —
你必须想像一下我的宽慰,医生,因为我无法用言语表达。 —

You know there are some things that cannot be expressed in words.”

“Yes, I know,” nodded the doctor. He looked at Anne as if he were thinking some things about her that couldn’t be expressed in words. —
“是的,我知道,”医生点点头。他看着安妮,仿佛在想一些无法用言语表达的事情。 —

Later on, however, he expressed them to Mr. and Mrs. Barry.

“That little redheaded girl they have over at Cuthbert’s is as smart as they make ‘em. —
“卡斯伯特家那个小红发女孩真是聪明过人。 —

I tell you she saved that baby’s life, for it would have been too late by the time I got there. —
我告诉你,她救了那个婴儿的命,如果我赶到的时候已经太迟了。 —

She seems to have a skill and presence of mind perfectly wonderful in a child of her age. —
她似乎有一种在她这个年龄的孩子身上非常了不起的技能和冷静应对能力。 —

I never saw anything like the eyes of her when she was explaining the case to me.”

Anne had gone home in the wonderful, white-frosted winter morning, heavy eyed from loss of sleep, but still talking unweariedly to Matthew as they crossed the long white field and walked under the glittering fairy arch of the Lover’s Lane maples.

“Oh, Matthew, isn’t it a wonderful morning? —
“哦,马修,今天早上好美啊。 —

The world looks like something God had just imagined for His own pleasure, doesn’t it? —
世界看起来就像上帝为自己的快乐刚刚想象出来的东西,不是吗? —

Those trees look as if I could blow them away with a breath—pouf! —
那些树看起来好像我可以用一口气吹走一样—噗! —

I’m so glad I live in a world where there are white frosts, aren’t you? —
我很高兴我生活在一个有白霜的世界,你呢? —

And I’m so glad Mrs. Hammond had three pairs of twins after all. —
而且我很高兴汉蒙德太太最终生了三对双胞胎。 —

If she hadn’t I mightn’t have known what to do for Minnie May. I’m real sorry I was ever cross with Mrs. Hammond for having twins. —
如果她没有生双胞胎,我可能就不知道怎么帮梅妮梅了。 —

But, oh, Matthew, I’m so sleepy. I can’t go to school. —
对不起,我当初和汉蒙德太太生气生双胞胎。 —

I just know I couldn’t keep my eyes open and I’d be so stupid. —
但是,哦,马修,我好困。 —

But I hate to stay home, for Gil—some of the others will get head of the class, and it’s so hard to get up again—although of course the harder it is the more satisfaction you have when you do get up, haven’t you?”

“Well now, I guess you’ll manage all right,” said Matthew, looking at Anne’s white little face and the dark shadows under her eyes. —
“好吧,我想你会处理好的,”马修看着安妮那张苍白的小脸和眼睛下的黑影。 —

“You just go right to bed and have a good sleep. —
“你就去睡一会儿吧,好好休息。” —

I’ll do all the chores.”

Anne accordingly went to bed and slept so long and soundly that it was well on in the white and rosy winter afternoon when she awoke and descended to the kitchen where Marilla, who had arrived home in the meantime, was sitting knitting.

“Oh, did you see the Premier?” exclaimed Anne at once. “What did he look like Marilla?”

“Well, he never got to be Premier on account of his looks,” said Marilla. —
“噢,他可不是因为长相才当上总理的,”玛丽拉说道。 —

“Such a nose as that man had! But he can speak. I was proud of being a Conservative. —
“那个人的鼻子啊!可怎么长得那么大呢!但他说话确实了得。我为自己是保守党成员而感到骄傲。 —

Rachel Lynde, of course, being a Liberal, had no use for him. —
瑞秋·林德当然作为自由党人,对他不屑一顾。 —

Your dinner is in the oven, Anne, and you can get yourself some blue plum preserve out of the pantry. —
你的晚餐在烤箱里,安妮,你可以从食品储藏室里拿些蓝梅酱。 —

I guess you’re hungry. Matthew has been telling me about last night. —
我猜你饿了。马修告诉我昨晚的事。 —

I must say it was fortunate you knew what to do. —
必须说你知道该怎么做,真是幸运。 —

I wouldn’t have had any idea myself, for I never saw a case of croup. —
我自己可没有见过对哮喘的案例,所以我也不会做主意。 —

There now, never mind talking till you’ve had your dinner. —
好了好了,先别忙着说话,等你吃过饭再说。 —

I can tell by the look of you that you’re just full up with speeches, but they’ll keep.”

Marilla had something to tell Anne, but she did not tell it just then for she knew if she did Anne’s consequent excitement would lift her clear out of the region of such material matters as appetite or dinner. —
玛丽拉要告诉安妮一些事,但她没有当时就说,因为她知道如果现在说了,安妮马上会激动得把自己从食欲和晚餐这类实际问题的范围里抬出去。 —

Not until Anne had finished her saucer of blue plums did Marilla say:

“Mrs. Barry was here this afternoon, Anne. She wanted to see you, but I wouldn’t wake you up. —
“巴里太太今天下午来了,安妮。她想见你,但我不想把你叫醒。 —

She says you saved Minnie May’s life, and she is very sorry she acted as she did in that affair of the currant wine. —
她说你救了明妮·梅的命,她为在那次酸醋酒事件中的举动感到非常抱歉。 —

She says she knows now you didn’t mean to set Diana drunk, and she hopes you’ll forgive her and be good friends with Diana again. —
她说她现在知道你没有意思让黛安娜喝醉,希望你原谅她,并再次与黛安娜成为好朋友。 —

You’re to go over this evening if you like for Diana can’t stir outside the door on account of a bad cold she caught last night. —
如果你愿意的话,今晚可以过去,因为黛安娜因为昨晚着了重感冒不能出门。 —

Now, Anne Shirley, for pity’s sake don’t fly up into the air.”

The warning seemed not unnecessary, so uplifted and aerial was Anne’s expression and attitude as she sprang to her feet, her face irradiated with the flame of her spirit.

“Oh, Marilla, can I go right now—without washing my dishes? —
“哦,玛丽拉,我现在能去吗——不洗碗? —

I’ll wash them when I come back, but I cannot tie myself down to anything so unromantic as dishwashing at this thrilling moment.”

“Yes, yes, run along,” said Marilla indulgently. “Anne Shirley—are you crazy? —
“好,好,快去吧,”玛丽拉宽容地说。“安妮·雪莉——你疯了吗? —

Come back this instant and put something on you. I might as well call to the wind. —
立刻回来穿衣服。我可能还不如对风呼唤。 —

She’s gone without a cap or wrap. Look at her tearing through the orchard with her hair streaming. —
她没戴帽子也没裹好。看她冲过果园,长发飘飘。 —

It’ll be a mercy if she doesn’t catch her death of cold.”

Anne came dancing home in the purple winter twilight across the snowy places. —
安妮在雪白的璀璨白昼中跳舞回家。 —

Afar in the southwest was the great shimmering, pearl-like sparkle of an evening star in a sky that was pale golden and ethereal rose over gleaming white spaces and dark glens of spruce. —
遥远的西南方天空一颗巨大的、像珍珠般闪光的晚星,在一片苍白金色和玫瑰色的天空中映衬着闪着光泽的白色空地和黑暗的云杉林。 —

The tinkles of sleigh bells among the snowy hills came like elfin chimes through the frosty air, but their music was not sweeter than the song in Anne’s heart and on her lips.

“You see before you a perfectly happy person, Marilla,” she announced. —
“玛丽拉,你面前是一个完全快乐的人,”她宣布。 —

“I’m perfectly happy—yes, in spite of my red hair. —
“我很开心——是的,尽管我是红头发。 —

Just at present I have a soul above red hair. —
“就目前而言,我的心灵高于红头发。 —

Mrs. Barry kissed me and cried and said she was so sorry and she could never repay me. —
“巴里夫人亲吻了我,哭着说她很抱歉,永远也无法报答我。 —

I felt fearfully embarrassed, Marilla, but I just said as politely as I could, ‘I have no hard feelings for you, Mrs. Barry. I assure you once for all that I did not mean to intoxicate Diana and henceforth I shall cover the past with the mantle of oblivion. —
“我感到非常尴尬,玛丽拉,但我尽力礼貌地说,‘巴里夫人,我并不怀恨您。我向您保证,我并不是有意醉倒黛安娜,今后我将用遗忘的斗篷掩饰过去。 —

’ That was a pretty dignified way of speaking wasn’t it, Marilla?”

“I felt that I was heaping coals of fire on Mrs. Barry’s head. —
“我觉得我在向巴里夫人头上倒热灰。 —

And Diana and I had a lovely afternoon. Diana showed me a new fancy crochet stitch her aunt over at Carmody taught her. —
“黛安娜和我度过了一个美好的下午。黛安娜向我展示了卡莫迪的姨妈教她的一种新花式钩针。 —

Not a soul in Avonlea knows it but us, and we pledged a solemn vow never to reveal it to anyone else. —
“阿芙雷利村没有一个人知道,只有我们俩知道,我们发誓绝不告诉别人。 —

Diana gave me a beautiful card with a wreath of roses on it and a verse of poetry:”

If you love me as I love you


  Nothing but death can part us two.”


“And that is true, Marilla. We’re going to ask Mr. Phillips to let us sit together in school again, and Gertie Pye can go with Minnie Andrews. —
“这是真的,玛丽拉。我们将要求菲利普斯先生让我们再次在学校里坐在一起,而格蒂·派可以跟米妮·安德鲁斯坐在一起。 —

We had an elegant tea. Mrs. Barry had the very best china set out, Marilla, just as if I was real company. —
“我们享受了一顿优雅的茶。巴里夫人拿出了最好的瓷器,就好像我是真正的客人一样。 —

I can’t tell you what a thrill it gave me. —
“我无法告诉你这给了我多大的激动。 —

Nobody ever used their very best china on my account before. —
“从来没有人为我拿出最好的瓷器。” —

And we had fruit cake and pound cake and doughnuts and two kinds of preserves, Marilla. —
我们吃了水果蛋糕、磅蛋糕、甜甜圈和两种果酱,玛丽拉。 —

And Mrs. Barry asked me if I took tea and said ‘Pa, why don’t you pass the biscuits to Anne? —
巴里夫人问我是否喝茶,并说:“爸爸,为什么不把饼干递给安妮呢?” —

’ It must be lovely to be grown up, Marilla, when just being treated as if you were is so nice.”

“I don’t know about that,” said Marilla, with a brief sigh.

“Well, anyway, when I am grown up,” said Anne decidedly, “I’m always going to talk to little girls as if they were too, and I’ll never laugh when they use big words. —
安妮断然地说:“无论如何,长大后,我要一直像对待同龄小女孩那样对待她们,永远不会因为她们使用大词汇而笑。” —

I know from sorrowful experience how that hurts one’s feelings. After tea Diana and I made taffy. —
我深有感触地知道,被嘲笑对人的感觉是有多痛苦的。茶后,黛安娜和我一起做太妃糖。 —

The taffy wasn’t very good, I suppose because neither Diana nor I had ever made any before. —
太妃糖并不是很好吃,我猜可能是因为黛安娜和我都以前从未做过。 —

Diana left me to stir it while she buttered the plates and I forgot and let it burn; —
当黛安娜给盘子抹黄油时,我忘记了搅拌,结果让它烧焦; —

and then when we set it out on the platform to cool the cat walked over one plate and that had to be thrown away. —
然后,当我们把它放在架子上冷却时,猫从一个盘子上走过,那个盘子不得不扔掉。 —

But the making of it was splendid fun. Then when I came home Mrs. Barry asked me to come over as often as I could and Diana stood at the window and threw kisses to me all the way down to Lover’s Lane. I assure you, Marilla, that I feel like praying tonight and I’m going to think out a special brand-new prayer in honor of the occasion.”