shǔ dào nán
蜀 道 难
The difficult roads of Shu
táng lǐ bái
(唐) 李 白
(Tang) Li Bai
yī xū xī wēi hū gāo zāi
噫 吁 嚱 , 危 乎 高 哉 !
Alas, what perilous heights!
shǔ dào zhī nán
蜀 道 之 难 ,
The difficulty of the Shu Road,
nán yú shàng qīng tiān
难 于 上 青 天 !
Surpasses ascending to the blue sky!
cán cóng jí yú fú
蚕 丛 及 鱼 凫 ,
From the Mulberry Bush and Fish Pond,
kāi guó hé máng rán
开 国 何 茫 然 !
How vast and distant the founding of our nation!
ěr lái sì wàn bā qiān suì
尔 来 四 万 八 千 岁 ,
Since ancient times, for forty-eight thousand years,
bù yǔ qín sài tōng rén yān
不 与 秦 塞 通 人 烟 。
No human smoke has passed through the Qin border.
xī dāng tài bái yǒu niǎo dào
西 当 太 白 有 鸟 道 ,
To the west, when Taibai is approached, there is a bird’s path,
kě yǐ héng jué é méi diān
可 以 横 绝 峨 眉 巅 。
One can cross the summit of Mount Emei.
dì bēng shān cuī zhuàng shì sǐ
地 崩 山 摧 壮 士 死 ,
The earth crumbles, the mountains collapse, and brave men die,
rán hòu tiān tī shí zhàn xiāng gōu lián
然 后 天 梯 石 栈 相 钩 连 。
Then the heavenly ladder and stone steps are linked together.
shàng yǒu liù lóng huí rì zhī gāo biāo
上 有 六 龙 回 日 之 高 标 ,
Above, there are the six dragons that turn back the sun at their high marks,
xià yǒu chōng bō nì zhē zhī huí chuān
下 有 冲 波 逆 折 之 回 川 。
Below, there are the turbulent waves and the reversing currents of the rivers.
huáng hè zhī fēi shàng bù dé guò
黄 鹤 之 飞 尚 不 得 过 ,
Even the yellow crane cannot fly over,
yuán náo yù dù chóu pān yuán
猿 猱 欲 度 愁 攀 援 。
The monkeys and gibbons wish to cross but are troubled by the climb and assistance.
qīng ní hé pán pán bǎi bù jiǔ zhē yíng yán luán
青 泥 何 盘 盘 , 百 步 九 折 萦 岩 峦 。
How the green mud winds and winds, with ninety bends and a hundred steps around the mountain peaks.
mén shēn lì jǐng yǎng xié xī
扪 参 历 井 仰 胁 息 ,
Touching the stars, I look up and gasp for breath,
yǐ shǒu fǔ yīng zuò cháng tàn
以 手 抚 膺 坐 长 叹 。
Clutching my chest, I sit and sigh deeply.
wèn jūn xī yóu hé shí huán
问 君 西 游 何 时 还 ?
I ask you, when will you return from your journey to the west?
wèi tú chán yán bù kě pān
畏 途 巉 岩 不 可 攀 。
Fear the treacherous cliffs and crags that cannot be climbed.
dàn jiàn bēi niǎo háo gǔ mù
但 见 悲 鸟 号 古 木 ,
But see the mournful bird crying in the ancient woods,
xióng fēi cí cóng rào lín jiān
雄 飞 雌 从 绕 林 间 。
Male soaring and female following, circling the forest.
yòu wén zǐ guī tí yè yuè
又 闻 子 规 啼 夜 月 ,
Also hearing the cuckoo’s cry in the moonlit night,
chóu kōng shān
愁 空 山 。
Sorrow fills the empty mountains.
shǔ dào zhī nán
蜀 道 之 难 ,
The difficulty of the Shu Road,
nán yú shàng qīng tiān
难 于 上 青 天 ,
Is harder than ascending to the blue sky,
shǐ rén tīng cǐ diāo zhū yán
使 人 听 此 凋 朱 颜 !
It makes listeners sigh and their rosy faces fade!
lián fēng qù tiān bù yíng chǐ
连 峰 去 天 不 盈 尺 ,
The connected peaks are less than a foot from the sky,
kū sōng dào guà yǐ jué bì
枯 松 倒 挂 倚 绝 壁 。
Withered pines hang upside down, leaning on sheer cliffs.
fēi tuān pù liú zhēng xuān huī
飞 湍 瀑 流 争 喧 豗 ,
Turbulent rapids and waterfalls compete in loud noise,
pīng yá zhuǎn shí wàn hè léi
砯 崖 转 石 万 壑 雷 。
Cliffs turn, stones roll, echoing like thunder in ten thousand valleys.
qí xiǎn yě rú cǐ
其 险 也 如 此 ,
Its danger is like this,
jiē ěr yuǎn dào zhī rén hú wèi hū lái zāi
嗟 尔 远 道 之 人 胡 为 乎 来 哉 !
Alas, why have you, the traveler from afar, come here?
jiàn gé zhēng róng ér cuī wéi
剑 阁 峥 嵘 而 崔 嵬 ,
The Sword Pavilion is towering and precipitous,
yī fū dāng guān wàn fū mò kāi
一 夫 当 关 , 万 夫 莫 开 。
One man guards the pass, ten thousand men cannot open it.
suǒ shǒu huò fěi qīn
所 守 或 匪 亲 ,
Those who guard may not be kin,
huà wèi láng yǔ chái
化 为 狼 与 豺 。
Transformed into wolves and jackals.
zhāo bì měng hǔ xī bì cháng shé
朝 避 猛 虎 , 夕 避 长 蛇 ;
Avoid fierce tigers in the morning, and long snakes in the evening;
mó yá shǔn xuè shā rén rú má
磨 牙 吮 血 , 杀 人 如 麻 。
Grinding teeth, sucking blood, killing people like hemp.
jǐn chéng suī yún lè bù rú zǎo huán jiā
锦 城 虽 云 乐 , 不 如 早 还 家 。
Although the brocade city is said to be joyful, it’s better to return home early.
shǔ dào zhī nán nán yú shàng qīng tiān
蜀 道 之 难 , 难 于 上 青 天 ,
The difficulty of the Shu Road,
cè shēn xī wàng cháng zī jiē
侧 身 西 望 长 咨 嗟 !
Harder than ascending to the blue sky,