Once upon a time there was a little boy who had taken cold.
从前有一个小男孩,他感冒了。 —

He had gone out and got his feet wet;
他出去的时候把脚弄湿了; —

though nobody could imagine how it had happened, for it was quite dry weather.
虽然没有人能够想象出是怎么发生的,因为天气很干燥。 —

So his mother undressed him, put him to bed, and had the tea-pot brought in, to make him a good cup of Elderflower tea.
于是他妈妈帮他脱光衣服,放他上床,并让人端来茶壶,为他煮一杯好喝的接骨木花茶。 —

Just at that moment the merry old man came in who lived up a-top of the house all alone;
正在那时,一个开心的老人走了进来,他独自住在楼上; —

for he had neither wife nor children–but he liked children very much, and knew so many fairy tales, that it was quite delightful.

“Now drink your tea,” said the boy’s mother;
“现在喝掉你的茶吧,”男孩的妈妈说, —

“then, perhaps, you may hear a fairy tale.”

“If I had but something new to tell,” said the old man.
“如果我有新鲜的故事可以讲,”老人说。 —

“But how did the child get his feet wet?”

“That is the very thing that nobody can make out, ” said his mother.

“Am I to hear a fairy tale?” asked the little boy.

“Yes, if you can tell me exactly–for I must know that first–how deep the gutter is in the little street opposite, that you pass through in going to school.”

“Just up to the middle of my boot,” said the child;
“刚好到我的靴子中间。”孩子说, —

“but then I must go into the deep hole.”

“Ah, ah! That’s where the wet feet came from, ” said the old man. “I ought now to tell you a story;
“啊,啊!那就是弄湿脚的地方,”老人说。“我现在应该给你讲一个故事, —

but I don’t know any more.”

“You can make one in a moment,” said the little boy.
“你可以马上编一个故事,”小男孩说。 —

“My mother says that all you look at can be turned into a fairy tale:
“我妈妈说你看到的一切都可以变成童话故事:你可以在每件事情里找到一个故事。” —

and that you can find a story in everything.”

“Yes, but such tales and stories are good for nothing.
“不久就会有敲门声吗?”小男孩问道。 —

The right sort come of themselves;
他的妈妈笑了笑, —

they tap at my forehead and say, ‘Here we are.‘”

“Won’t there be a tap soon?” asked the little boy.
“给我讲个故事吧! —

And his mother laughed, put some Elder-flowers in the tea-pot, and poured boiling water upon them.

“Do tell me something! Pray do!”

“Yes, if a fairy tale would come of its own accord;
“是的,如果一个童话故事能够自己出现; —

but they are proud and haughty, and come only when they choose. Stop!
但是它们很骄傲,很傲慢,只有在它们选择的时候才会来。停下来! —

” said he, all on a sudden. “I have it!
“他突然说道。“我找到了! —

Pay attention! There is one in the tea-pot!”

And the little boy looked at the tea-pot.
小男孩望着茶壶。 —

The cover rose more and more;
盖子越来越高; —

and the Elder-flowers came forth so fresh and white, and shot up long branches.

Out of the spout even did they spread themselves on all sides, and grew larger and larger;
并且鲜白的接骨木花瓣冒出来了, —

it was a splendid Elderbush, a whole tree;
长出了长长的枝条。 —

and it reached into the very bed, and pushed the curtains aside.
甚至从壶嘴冒出来,四处扩张,变得越来越大;真是一棵美丽的接骨木树, —

How it bloomed! And what an odour!
整个树都在开花; —

In the middle of the bush sat a friendly-looking old woman in a most strange dress.
它伸进了床里,把帘子推开了。它开得多么盛放!它的气味多么芬芳! —

It was quite green, like the leaves of the elder, and was trimmed with large white Elder-flowers;
在灌木丛的中间,坐着一个和蔼可亲的老妇人,穿着一套非常奇怪的服装。 —

so that at first one could not tell whether it was a stuff, or a natural green and real flowers.

“What’s that woman’s name?” asked the little boy.

“The Greeks and Romans,” said the old man, “called her a Dryad; but that we do not understand.
“希腊和罗马人,”老人说,“称她为榆树女神,但我们并不明白。” —

The people who live in the New Booths [] have a much better name for her;
住在新摊位的人们[]给她起了一个更好的名字; — 

they call her ‘old Granny’–and she it is to whom you are to pay attention.
他们称她为“老奶奶”,而你应该特别注意她。 —

Now listen, and look at the beautiful Elderbush.

  • A row of buildings for seamen in Copenhagen.

“Just such another large blooming Elder Tree stands near the New Booths.
在新摊位附近有一个同样高大的开满花的接骨木树。 —

It grew there in the corner of a little miserable court-yard;
它生长在一个小小的破旧庭院的一个角落里; —

and under it sat, of an afternoon, in the most splendid sunshine, two old people;
在那里的一个下午,正值美丽晴朗的阳光下,一对老年人坐在下面; —

an old, old seaman, and his old, old wife.
一位年迈的水手和他的年迈妻子。 —

They had great-grand-children, and were soon to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage;
他们有曾孙子,很快就要庆祝他们结婚五十周年纪念日了; —

but they could not exactly recollect the date:
但他们没有确切记住日期: —

and old Granny sat in the tree, and looked as pleased as now.
年迈的奶奶坐在树上,像现在一样高兴。 —

‘I know the date,’ said she;
“我知道日期,”她说; —

but those below did not hear her, for they were talking about old times.

“’Yes, can’t you remember when we were very little,’ said the old seaman, ‘and ran and played about?
“’是的,你不记得我们小时候吗,’ 老水手说,’我们在这儿疯跑玩耍吗? —

It was the very same court-yard where we now are, and we stuck slips in the ground, and made a garden.’

“’I remember it well,’ said the old woman;
“’我记得很清楚,’老妇人说,’ —

‘I remember it quite well. We watered the slips, and one of them was an Elderbush.
我记得得很清楚。我们浇水,其中一棵嫩枝是一棵接骨木树。 —

It took root, put forth green shoots, and grew up to be the large tree under which we old folks are now sitting.’

“’To be sure,’ said he.
“’当然,’他说。’ —

‘And there in the corner stood a waterpail, where I used to swim my boats.’

“’True; but first we went to school to learn somewhat,’ said she; ‘and then we were confirmed.
“’对,但是我们首先上学学些东西,’她说,’ 然后我们受了确认礼。 —

We both cried;
我们俩都哭了; —

but in the afternoon we went up the Round Tower, and looked down on Copenhagen, and far, far away over the water;
但下午我们上了圆塔,在哥本哈根向下望,远远看过了水面; —

then we went to Friedericksberg, where the King and the Queen were sailing about in their splendid barges.’

“’But I had a different sort of sailing to that, later;
“’但我有过另一种不同的航行,持续了许多年; —

and that, too, for many a year;
在遥远的地方, —

a long way off, on great voyages.’

“’Yes, many a time have I wept for your sake,’ said she.
“’是的,为了你,我已经哭过很多次,’ —

‘I thought you were dead and gone, and lying down in the deep waters.
她说。’我以为你已经死了,并且躺在深水中。 —

Many a night have I got up to see if the wind had not changed:
为了确认风有没有改变,我很多夜晚都起床看过: —

and changed it had, sure enough;
而事实是风确实改变了, —

but you never came.
但你从未归来。 —

I remember so well one day, when the rain was pouring down in torrents, the scavengers were before the house where I was in service, and I had come up with the dust, and remained standing at the door–it was dreadful weather–when just as I was there, the postman came and gave me a letter.
我还很清楚地记得有一天,大雨倾盆,清道夫正在我当时的工作地点前面,而我带着垃圾站在门口——天气真糟糕——就在那时,邮递员来了,给我一封信。 —

It was from you! What a tour that letter had made!
那封信是你写的!那封信走了多远的路啊! —

I opened it instantly and read:
我立刻打开信封读了起来: —

I laughed and wept. I was so happy.
我笑了,我哭了。我非常快乐。 —

In it I read that you were in warm lands where the coffee-tree grows.
我在信中读到你在阳光普照的土地上,咖啡树生长的地方。 —

What a blessed land that must be!
那一定是个幸福的地方!” —

You related so much, and I saw it all the while the rain was pouring down, and I standing there with the dust-box.
你们两人之间的关系如此密切,而我却目睹着这一切,当时正下着雨,我站在那儿拿着尘盒。 —

At the same moment came someone who embraced me.’

“’Yes; but you gave him a good box on his ear that made it tingle!’

“’But I did not know it was you.
“但我不知道那是你。 —

You arrived as soon as your letter, and you were so handsome–that you still are–and had a long yellow silk handkerchief round your neck, and a bran new hat on;
你来得正是你的信一到的时候,你非常英俊,现在看起来依然很帅气,脖子上系着一条长长的黄色丝绸手帕,头上戴着一顶崭新的帽子; —

oh, you were so dashing! Good heavens!
哦,你当时真是英勇无畏!天哪! —

What weather it was, and what a state the street was in!’

“’And then we married,’ said he. ‘Don’t you remember?
“然后我们结婚了,”他说。”你还记得吗? —

And then we had our first little boy, and then Mary, and Nicholas, and Peter, and Christian.’

“’Yes, and how they all grew up to be honest people, and were beloved by everybody.’

“’And their children also have children,’ said the old sailor;
“而且他们的孩子们也有了孩子,”老水手说道。”是的,那些就是我们的孙辈们,他们充满力量和活力。 —

‘yes, those are our grand-children, full of strength and vigor.
我想大约就在这个季节,我们结婚了。” —

It was, methinks about this season that we had our wedding.’

“’Yes, this very day is the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage,’ said old Granny, sticking her head between the two old people;
“‘是的,今天正是他们结婚五十周年纪念日,’老奶奶说着,把她的脑袋伸进了两位老人之间; —

who thought it was their neighbor who nodded to them.
他们以为是他们的邻居向他们点头致意。 —

They looked at each other and held one another by the hand.
他们相视一笑,牵着对方的手。 —

Soon after came their children, and their grand-children;
他们的子女和孙辈们很快也来了; —

for they knew well enough that it was the day of the fiftieth anniversary, and had come with their gratulations that very morning;
因为他们很清楚今天是五十周年纪念日,早晨就来祝贺他们了; —

but the old people had forgotten it, although they were able to remember all that had happened many years ago.
而这两位老人却忘记了,尽管他们能记得许多年前发生的一切。 —

And the Elderbush sent forth a strong odour in the sun, that was just about to set, and shone right in the old people’s faces.
长在灌木丛中的紫藤花在夕阳中散发出浓郁的香气,照在老人们的脸上。 —

They both looked so rosy-cheeked;
他们的脸都红扑扑的; —

and the youngest of the grandchildren danced around them, and called out quite delighted, that there was to be something very splendid that evening–they were all to have hot potatoes.
孙辈们中最小的一个围绕着他们跳舞,高兴地喊着,今晚将会有一些非常精彩的事情–大家都要吃热土豆。 —

And old Nanny nodded in the bush, and shouted ‘hurrah!’ with the rest.”

“But that is no fairy tale, ” said the little boy, who was listening to the story.

“The thing is, you must understand it, ” said the narrator; “let us ask old Nanny.”

“That was no fairy tale, ‘tis true,” said old Nanny;
“那确实不是一个童话故事,”老婆婆说道, —

“but now it’s coming. The most wonderful fairy tales grow out of that which is reality;
“但现在它即将发生。最美妙的童话故事源于真实的事物; —

were that not the case, you know, my magnificent Elderbush could not have grown out of the tea-pot.
如果不是这样的话,你知道吗,我的壮丽的接骨木丛不可能从茶壶里长出来。 —

” And then she took the little boy out of bed, laid him on her bosom, and the branches of the Elder Tree, full of flowers, closed around her.
”然后她把小男孩从床上抱起来,放在她的怀里,接骨木树上开满了花朵,把他们团团围住。 —

They sat in an aerial dwelling, and it flew with them through the air. Oh, it was wondrous beautiful!
他们坐在一个空中的住所里,它带着他们飞在空中。哦,太美妙了! —

Old Nanny had grown all of a sudden a young and pretty maiden;
老婆婆突然变成了一个年轻漂亮的少女; —

but her robe was still the same green stuff with white flowers, which she had worn before.
但是她的长袍还是那件相同的绿色花纹的衣服,就像她之前所穿的那样。 —

On her bosom she had a real Elderflower, and in her yellow waving hair a wreath of the flowers;
她胸前别着一朵真正的接骨木花,在她金色的飘动的头发上戴着一圈花环; —

her eyes were so large and blue that it was a pleasure to look at them;
她的眼睛是那样的大和蓝,看着它们是一种享受; —

she kissed the boy, and now they were of the same age and felt alike.

Hand in hand they went out of the bower, and they were standing in the beautiful garden of their home.
他们手牵手走出花庐,站在他们美丽的家园的花园里。 —

Near the green lawn papa’s walking-stick was tied, and for the little ones it seemed to be endowed with life;
绿草地附近爸爸的拐杖被捆绑着,对于小孩们来说它似乎有生命; —

for as soon as they got astride it, the round polished knob was turned into a magnificent neighing head, a long black mane fluttered in the breeze, and four slender yet strong legs shot out.
因为他们一骑上去,圆滑的顶部变成了威风凛凛的马头,一头长长的黑发在微风中飘动,四条纤细而强壮的腿伸了出来。 —

The animal was strong and handsome, and away they went at full gallop round the lawn.

“Huzza! Now we are riding miles off,” said the boy.
“呼啦!现在我们骑着走了好多里”男孩说。 —

“We are riding away to the castle where we were last year!”

And on they rode round the grass-plot;
他们继续绕着草坪骑着; —

and the little maiden, who, we know, was no one else but old Nanny, kept on crying out, “Now we are in the country!
我们知道女孩其实不过是老南妮,她一直在喊着:” 现在我们在乡村了! —

Don’t you see the farm-house yonder?
难道你没看到那边的农舍吗? —

And there is an Elder Tree standing beside it;
它旁边还有一棵古老的树。 —

and the cock is scraping away the earth for the hens, look, how he struts! And now we are close to the church.
看,公鸡正在刨土给母鸡,它走来走去真得意!现在我们快到教堂了。 —

It lies high upon the hill, between the large oak-trees, one of which is half decayed.
教堂坐落在山顶上,两棵大橡树之间,其中一棵已经半腐烂了。 —

And now we are by the smithy, where the fire is blazing, and where the half-naked men are banging with their hammers till the sparks fly about.
现在我们经过了铁匠铺,火焰熊熊,半裸的工人们用锤子敲打,火花四溅。 —

Away! away! To the beautiful country-seat!”

And all that the little maiden, who sat behind on the stick, spoke of, flew by in reality.
那个坐在木棍后面的小女孩所说的一切都成为现实。 —

The boy saw it all, and yet they were only going round the grass-plot.
小男孩看到了一切,但其实他们只是在草坪上转了一圈。 —

Then they played in a side avenue, and marked out a little garden on the earth;
然后他们在一条旁道上游玩,在土地上划出一块小花园。 —

and they took Elder-blossoms from their hair, planted them, and they grew just like those the old people planted when they were children, as related before.
他们从头发中拿出接骨木花,并种下去,它们长得跟老人小时候种的一样,前文已经提到过。 —

They went hand in hand, as the old people had done when they were children;
他们手拉手走着,就像他们小时候那样; —

but not to the Round Tower, or to Friedericksberg;
但并不是去圆塔或弗里德里克斯堡; —

no, the little damsel wound her arms round the boy, and then they flew far away through all Denmark. And spring came, and summer;
不,小姑娘把手臂环绕在男孩身上,然后他们一起飞越整个丹麦。春天来了,然后是夏天; —

and then it was autumn, and then winter;
然后是秋天,然后是冬天; —

and a thousand pictures were reflected in the eye and in the heart of the boy;
男孩的眼睛和心中映射出无数的画面; —

and the little girl always sang to him, “This you will never forget.
小姑娘一直对他唱着:“这你永远不会忘记。 —

” And during their whole flight the Elder Tree smelt so sweet and odorous;
”在他们整个飞行过程中,接骨木树散发出甜美芳香; —

he remarked the roses and the fresh beeches, but the Elder Tree had a more wondrous fragrance, for its flowers hung on the breast of the little maiden;
他注意到了玫瑰和新鲜的山毛榉,但接骨木树有一种更奇妙的芬芳,因为它的花儿挂在小姑娘的胸前; —

and there, too, did he often lay his head during the flight.

“It is lovely here in spring!” said the young maiden.
“这里春天的时候真美!”少女说道。 —

And they stood in a beech-wood that had just put on its first green, where the woodroof [*] at their feet sent forth its fragrance, and the pale-red anemony looked so pretty among the verdure.
他们站在处于初绿状态的山毛榉树林中,脚下的山蚂蝗散发着芬芳,苍白的红色银莲花在绿叶间显得可爱。 —

“Oh, would it were always spring in the sweetly-smelling Danish beech-forests!”

  • Asperula odorata.
    * 山草兰(Asperula odorata)。

“It is lovely here in summer!” said she.
“这里夏天的时候真美!”她说。 —

And she flew past old castles of by-gone days of chivalry, where the red walls and the embattled gables were mirrored in the canal, where the swans were swimming, and peered up into the old cool avenues.
她飞过旧的骑士时代的古堡,红色的墙壁和齐腰鹰嘴的屋檐倒映在运河里,天鹅在水中游弋,她朝上仰望着古老的凉爽的林荫大道。 —

In the fields the corn was waving like the sea;
田野中的庄稼像海浪一样摇曳, —

in the ditches red and yellow flowers were growing;
沟渠里开着红黄色的花朵; —

while wild-drone flowers, and blooming convolvuluses were creeping in the hedges;
而野茉莉花和盛开的牵牛花爬满了篱笆; —

and towards evening the moon rose round and large, and the haycocks in the meadows smelt so sweetly.
傍晚时分,大而圆的月亮升起来,草垛肆意散发着甜香。 —

“This one never forgets!”

“It is lovely here in autumn!” said the little maiden.
“秋天这里真美!”小姑娘说。顿时, —

And suddenly the atmosphere grew as blue again as before;
氛围又变得像以前一样蓝色; —

the forest grew red, and green, and yellow-colored.
森林变红了,变绿了,变黄了。 —

The dogs came leaping along, and whole flocks of wild-fowl flew over the cairn, where blackberry-bushes were hanging round the old stones.
狗跳着走过来,整群野鸟飞过墓堆,黑莓灌木丛围绕着古老的石头。 —

The sea was dark blue, covered with ships full of white sails;
大海是深蓝色的,布满了帆满白帆的船只; —

and in the barn old women, maidens, and children were sitting picking hops into a large cask;
在谷仓里,老妇人、姑娘和孩子们坐在一只大桶旁边拣着葡萄藤; —

the young sang songs, but the old told fairy tales of mountain-sprites and soothsayers.
年轻人唱歌,而老人们则讲着山精和预言者的神话故事。 —

Nothing could be more charming.

“It is delightful here in winter!
“冬天这里真美! —

” said the little maiden.
”小姑娘说。 —

And all the trees were covered with hoar-frost;
所有的树都被霜覆盖着; —

they looked like white corals;
它们看起来像白色珊瑚; —

the snow crackled under foot, as if one had new boots on;
雪在脚下嘎嘎作响,就好像穿上了新的靴子; —

and one falling star after the other was seen in the sky.
天空中一个接一个地闪现着流星。 —

The Christmas-tree was lighted in the room;
在房间里,圣诞树点亮了; —

presents were there, and good-humor reigned.
有礼物在那里,好心情充斥着。 —

In the country the violin sounded in the room of the peasant;
在农民的屋子里,小提琴的声音响起来了; —

the newly-baked cakes were attacked;
新烤出来的蛋糕被攻占了。 —

even the poorest child said, “It is really delightful here in winter!”

Yes, it was delightful; and the little maiden showed the boy everything;
是的,真的太美妙了;小姑娘给男孩展示了一切。 —

and the Elder Tree still was fragrant, and the red flag, with the white cross, was still waving:
巨大的常春藤仍然芬芳四溢,红旗上的白十字仍然飘扬: —

the flag under which the old seaman in the New Booths had sailed.
是那面曾经让老水手在新货摊上航行的旗帜。 —

And the boy grew up to be a lad, and was to go forth in the wide world-far, far away to warm lands, where the coffee-tree grows;
男孩长大成人,要远离故乡去世界的尽头——去温暖的土地,咖啡树生长的地方; —

but at his departure the little maiden took an Elder-blossom from her bosom, and gave it him to keep;
而在他离开时,小姑娘从胸前拿出一朵常春藤花,给了他保存着。 —

and it was placed between the leaves of his Prayer-Book;
那朵花被夹在他的祈祷书的页之间; —

and when in foreign lands he opened the book, it was always at the place where the keepsake-flower lay;
当他在异国打开书时,总是翻到保存鲜花的那一页; —

and the more he looked at it, the fresher it became;
他越看,花就越鲜艳; —

he felt as it were, the fragrance of the Danish groves;
他仿佛闻到了丹麦树林的芬芳; —

and from among the leaves of the flowers he could distinctly see the little maiden, peeping forth with her bright blue eyes–and then she whispered, “It is delightful here in Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter”;
从鲜花的叶子间,他可以清楚地看到那个小姑娘,她的明亮蓝眼睛凝视着外面,然后轻声地说:“春天、夏天、秋天和冬天都在这里很美好”; —

and a hundred visions glided before his mind.

Thus passed many years, and he was now an old man, and sat with his old wife under the blooming tree.
这样度过了许多年,他现在已经是一个老人,与他的老妻子坐在盛开的树下; —

They held each other by the hand, as the old grand-father and grand-mother yonder in the New Booths did, and they talked exactly like them of old times, and of the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding.
他们手牵着手,就像新摊位那边的老爷爷和奶奶一样,他们像他们一样谈论着过去的时光,以及他们结婚五十周年的纪念日; —

The little maiden, with the blue eyes, and with Elder-blossoms in her hair, sat in the tree, nodded to both of them, and said, “To-day is the fiftieth anniversary!
那个带着蓝眼睛和接骨木花的小姑娘坐在树上,向他们俩点头示意,并说:“今天是五十周年纪念日!”; —

” And then she took two flowers out of her hair, and kissed them. First, they shone like silver, then like gold;
然后她从头发中拿出两朵花,亲吻了它们。起初,它们闪耀着银色,然后又变成了金色; —

and when they laid them on the heads of the old people, each flower became a golden crown.
当他们把花戴在老人的头上时,每朵花都变成了一顶金冠。 —

So there they both sat, like a king and a queen, under the fragrant tree, that looked exactly like an elder:
于是他们俩就坐在那儿,像国王和皇后一样,身下是一棵芳香的树,看上去恰似一棵接骨木。 —

the old man told his wife the story of “Old Nanny, ” as it had been told him when a boy.
老人告诉他的妻子那个关于“老保姆”的故事,这故事在他还是个小男孩时就被讲给他听过。 —

And it seemed to both of them it contained much that resembled their own history;
他们俩觉得这个故事很像他们自己的历史; —

and those parts that were like it pleased them best.

“Thus it is,” said the little maiden in the tree, “some call me ‘Old Nanny,’ others a ‘Dryad,’ but, in reality, my name is ‘Remembrance’;
“就是这样,”树上的小姑娘说道,“有人叫我‘老保姆’,有人叫我‘槲寄生’,但实际上,我的名字叫‘记忆’; —

‘tis I who sit in the tree that grows and grows!
我就坐在这棵不断生长的树上! —

I can remember;
我能记住; —

I can tell things! Let me see if you have my flower still?”

And the old man opened his Prayer-Book. There lay the Elder-blossom, as fresh as if it had been placed there but a short time before;
于是老人打开了他的祷告书。那里放着一朵接骨木花,就像刚刚放进去一样新鲜; —

and Remembrance nodded, and the old people, decked with crowns of gold, sat in the flush of the evening sun.
“记忆”点了点头,而那对戴着金冠的老夫妻就坐在夕阳的余晖中。 —

They closed their eyes, and–and–! Yes, that’s the end of the story!

The little boy lay in his bed;
小男孩躺在床上, —

he did not know if he had dreamed or not, or if he had been listening while someone told him the story.
他不知道自己是在做梦还是在听别人给他讲故事。 —

The tea-pot was standing on the table, but no Elder Tree was growing out of it!
茶壶放在桌子上,但没有长出老人树! —

And the old man, who had been talking, was just on the point of going out at the door, and he did go.

“How splendid that was!” said the little boy.
“太棒了!”小男孩说。 “妈妈, —

“Mother, I have been to warm countries.”

“So I should think,” said his mother.
“我想是的,”他妈妈说。 —

“When one has drunk two good cupfuls of Elder-flower tea, ‘tis likely enough one goes into warm climates”;
“当一个人喝了两大杯无花果茶时,他很可能会进入温暖的气候”; —

and she tucked him up nicely, least he should take cold.
她把他舒舒服服地包起来, —

“You have had a good sleep while I have been sitting here, and arguing with him whether it was a story or a fairy tale.”
以免他着凉。 “当我一直坐在这儿和他争论到底是故事还是童话。”

“And where is old Nanny?” asked the little boy.

“In the tea-pot,” said his mother;
“在茶壶里, “他妈妈说。 —

“and there she may remain.”